   (A)   Establishing a Water and Sewer Department. There is hereby created a Water and Sewer Department of the City of Tontitown, Arkansas. The Water and Sewer Department shall report to the Mayor and advise the Council. The City Council shall retain full and complete control of all properties of every kind and character belonging to the city and used in connection with the waterworks and sewer system, whether, subject to exceptions below, said properties are situated within or without the corporate limits of the city.
   (B)   Powers and duties.
      (1)   The Water and Sewer Department shall establish one monthly department meeting between the Water and Sewer Department Manager and employees to discuss issues, facts, and reports relating to the water and sewer respectively.
      (2)   It is hereby acknowledged that the Water and Sewer Department will require a Manager, who shall be a working Manager, fully educated in the workings of both the waterworks and the sewer aspects of the Water and Sewer Department. The Water and Sewer Manager shall be appointed by the Mayor and approved by City Council. The position will be a salary based job and the salary will be set by the City Council. The Manager must be capable of managing, supervising, and directing the day-to-day duties of the employees under his care as well as interact with the citizens of Tontitown and all who come before him or her with the demeanor befitting an employee of the city.
      (3)   It is hereby acknowledged that pursuant to A.C. §§ 14-233-101 et seq., the city is a member of the Northwest Arkansas Conservation Authority (NACA), it is the city's responsibility to finance, contract, manage, operate, improve, extend, and maintain any and all sewer lines within the corporate limits ("sewer system"). The Tontitown Water and Sewer Department herein established shall not exercise any such authority over any NACA transmission lines lying outside of the city limits, or NACA's treatment plant.
      (4)   The Water and Sewer Department shall submit monthly reports and annual audits of the operation to the Mayor and City Council, and furnish such other or further reports, data, or information as may be requested by the Mayor or City Council.
(Ord. 2015-01-506, passed 1-13-15)
   (A)   Creation. There is hereby created a city Fire Department to be officially known as "The Tontitown Fire Department."
   (B)   Equipment and facilities. Proper equipment and facilities shall be provided to extinguish fires and preserve the property of the city and its inhabitants. Such equipment and facilities may be made available, subject to proper contracting for operating fire protection services, to a Fire Department that meets Arkansas Fire Protection Services Board standards.
   (C)   Staffing and operations. All staffing and manpower necessary to operate city fire protection operations shall be provided through a contract for services with a Fire Department that meets Arkansas Fire Protection Services Board standards.
(Ord. 2014-05-472, passed 5-6-14; Am. Ord. 2015-03-517, passed 3-3-15)
   Arkansas Fire Prevention Code adopted by reference, see § 93.01
   (A)   Creation. There is hereby created a Tontitown Police Department.
   (B)   Chief of Police. The Police Department shall be headed by a Chief of Police, under the superintendence of the Mayor of the city. The Chief of Police shall have such power and authority as is granted by state law in carrying out his or her duties.
   (C)   Police officers. Officers of the Police Department shall have the full authority to act in pursuance of state law and are hereby granted the fullest extent of authority as is currently provided by state law to act as city police officers for the Tontitown Police Department.
   (D)   Number of officers. The number of officers that may be commissioned by the Mayor, upon the advice of the Chief of Police, shall be subject to approval of the City Council through adoption of the city budget.
   (E)   Appointment/dismissal of Chief of Police. The Chief of Police shall be appointed and/or dismissed by the Mayor, with either action subject to overriding by a two-thirds vote of the City Council (A.C. § 14-42-110). The Chief of Police and other officers of the Police Department shall be under the direction of the Mayor.
   (F)   Duties. The Chief of Police and other officers of the Tontitown Police Department shall have the following duties:
      (1)   To suppress all riots, disturbances, and breaches of the peace;
      (2)   To pursue and arrest any person fleeing from justice in any part of this state;
      (3)   To apprehend any and all persons in the act of committing any offenses against the laws of the state or the ordinances of the city and forthwith bring the persons before proper authority for trial or examination; and
      (4)   To diligently and faithfully enforce at all times all such laws, ordinances, and regulations for the preservation of good order and the public welfare as the City Council may ordain.
   (G)   Arrest. The Chief of Police or a police officer of the city may, upon view, arrest any person who may be guilty of a breach of the ordinances of the city or of any crime against the laws of the state and may, upon reasonable information supported by affidavit, procure process for the arrest of any person who may be charged with a breach of any ordinance of the city.
(Ord. 2014-05-473, passed 5-6-14)