Parking tickets issued pursuant to this Ch. 351 shall be within the jurisdiction of the Parking Violations Bureau and shall be handled pursuant to and governed by the provisions of Ch. 309 of this Code. If, subsequent to the issuance of a parking ticket, any person fails to make an appearance or fails or refuses to pay a fine therefor, a complaint shall be filed in Municipal Court by the Police Division or by the contracted entity under sections 309.02 (d) or 351.15 (d) of this Code.
(Ord. 73-19. Passed 2-5-19.)
In any hearing on a charge of illegally parking a vehicle, testimony that a vehicle bearing a certain license plate was found unlawfully standing or parking as prohibited by the provisions of this Traffic Code, and further testimony that the record of the Ohio Registrar of Motor Vehicles shows that the license plate was issued to the defendant, shall be prima-facie evidence that the act of unlawfully standing or parking the vehicle was committed by the defendant. A certified registration copy, showing such fact, from the Registrar shall be proof of such ownership.
(Ord. 711-81. Passed 11-24-81.)
(a) No person shall stop, stand or park any motor vehicle at special parking locations provided for the handicapped under this section or at special, clearly marked, parking locations provided the handicapped in or on privately owned parking lots, parking garages or other parking areas, unless the motor vehicle is being operated by or for the transport of a handicapped person and is either displaying a parking card issued under Ohio R.C. 4503.44 or displaying a special license plate(s) authorized by that section.
(b) When a motor vehicle bearing a special handicapped license plate(s) or the parking card provided in Ohio R.C. 4503.44 is being operated by or for the transport of a handicapped person, the motor vehicle shall be permitted to park for a period of two hours in excess of the legal parking period permitted by ordinances or regulations, except where such ordinances or regulations provide otherwise or where the vehicle is parked in such a manner as to be clearly a traffic hazard.
(ORC 4511.69).
(c) As used in this section, "handicapped" means having lost the use of one or both legs, or one or both arms, who is blind, deaf or severely disabled as to be unable to move about without the aid of crutches or a wheelchair, or whose mobility is restricted by a permanent cardiovascular, pulmonary or other handicapping condition.
(ORC 4503.44; Ord. 727-86. Passed 9-30-86.)
(a) If an owner of private property posts on the property, in a conspicuous manner, a prohibition against parking on the property or conditions and regulations under which parking is permitted, no person shall do either of the following:
(1) Park a vehicle on the property without the owner's consent;
(2) Park a vehicle on the property in violation of any condition or regulation posted by the owner.
(ORC 4511.681)
(b) The owner of private property may create a private tow-away zone only if all the following conditions are satisfied:
(1) The owner posts on his property, a sign, that is at least eighteen inches by twenty-four inches in size, that is visible from all entrances to the property, and that contains at least all of the following information:
A. A notice that the property is a private tow-away zone and that vehicles not authorized to park on the property will be towed away;
B. The telephone number of the person from whom a towed-away vehicle can be recovered, and the address of the place to which the vehicle will be taken and from which it may be recovered;
C. A statement that the vehicle may be recovered at any time during the day or night upon the submission of proof of ownership and the payment of a towing charge in an amount not to exceed that specified for a third party tow in Chapter 765 of the Business Regulation Code, and a storage charge in the amount not to exceed that specified for third party storage in Chapter 765.
(ORC 4513.60(B)(1))
(2) The place to which the towed vehicle is taken and from which it may be recovered is located within the corporate limits of the City, is a licensed storage facility, is well lighted, and is on or within reasonable distance of a regularly scheduled route of one or more modes of public transportation.
(Ord. 816-95. Passed 12-19-95.)
(c) If a vehicle is parked on private property that is established as a private tow-away zone in accordance with this section, without the consent of the owner of the property or in violation of any posted parking condition or regulation, the owner or his agent may remove, or cause the removal of, the vehicle. The owner and the operator of the vehicle shall be deemed to have consented to the removal and storage of the vehicle and to the payment of the towing and storage charges specified in Chapter 765, and the owner may recover a vehicle that either has been prepared for removal or has been so removed in accordance with Chapter 765.
(ORC 4513.60(B) (2))
(d) No owner of private property located within the City shall remove, or shall cause the removal and storage of, any vehicle pursuant to this section by any towing operator not licensed in accordance with Chapter 765.
(ORC 4513.60(B) (3))
(e) If the owner or operator of a vehicle that is being removed under authority of this section arrives after the vehicle has been prepared for removal but prior to its actual removal from the property, the owner or operator shall be given the opportunity to pay a fee and obtain releases of the vehicle according to the provisions of Chapter 765. Upon payment of that fee and upon release of the vehicle, the owner or operator immediately shall move it so that it is not parked on the private property established as a private tow-away zone without the consent of the owner or in violation of any posted parking condition or regulation.
(ORC 4513.60(C))
(f) The owner of a vehicle that is removed under authorization of this section may reclaim it upon payment of any expenses or charges incurred in its removal and storage in an amount not to exceed that stipulated in Chapter 765, and upon presentation of proof of ownership, which may be evidenced by a certificate of title to the vehicle.
(ORC 4513.60(E))
(g) No person shall remove, or cause the removal of, any vehicle from private property that is established as a private tow-away zone other than in accordance with this section.
(ORC 4513.60(F); Ord. 744-84. Passed 10-9-84.)
(a) No person or organization to whom a handicapped parking card is issued pursuant to Ohio R. C. 4503.44 shall park a motor vehicle in a parking location reserved for handicapped persons and display or permit the display of the parking card on any motor vehicle when having reasonable cause to believe the motor vehicle is being used in connection with an activity that does not include providing transportation for a handicapped person.
(b) No person or organization shall park a motor vehicle in a parking location reserved for handicapped persons and display or permit the display of a handicapped parking card issued pursuant to Ohio R. C. 4503.44 on any motor vehicle when having reasonable cause to believe the motor vehicle is being used in connection with an activity that does not include providing transportation for a handicapped person.
(c) No person to whom a handicapped license plate is issued pursuant to Ohio R. C. 4503.44 shall park a motor vehicle in a parking location reserved for handicapped persons and display or permit the display of the license plate on any motor vehicle when having reasonable cause to believe the motor vehicle is being used in connection with an activity that does not include providing transportation for a handicapped person.
(d) No person shall park a motor vehicle in a parking location reserved for handicapped persons and display or permit the display of a handicapped license plate issued pursuant to Ohio R. C. 4503.44 on any motor vehicle when having reasonable cause to believe the license plate is being used in connection with an activity that does not include providing transportation for a handicapped person.
(e) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree.
(Ord. 330-95. Passed 5-30-95.)