351.11. Bus stops.
   (a)   Any bus when receiving and/or discharging passengers shall come to a full stop at a designated bus stop within one foot of the right curb or pavement edge wherever possible unless otherwise authorized by the Commissioner of Transportation.
   (b)   All buses shall be equipped with doors which shall be kept closed while such bus is in motion, and opened only when necessary to board and discharge passengers or at railroad crossings as required by law, and such door shall not be reopened at the same stop after the bus has been put in motion.
(Ord. 34-87. Passed 1-13-87; Ord. 104-94. Passed 3-14-94.)
351.12. Taxicab stands.
   As public vehicles leave a taxicab stand, those behind shall move up and any incoming public vehicle shall enter only from the rear and shall stop as near as possible to the last public vehicle already on the stand. No taxicab or motor vehicle for hire shall park in a taxicab stand for a period of time exceeding one hour.
(1952 Code § 31-9-3, 31-9-4)
351.13. Designated on-street parking for specific vehicles.
   (a)   The Commissioner of Transportation is hereby authorized and directed to designate on-street curb space for the exclusive use of police, City-owned, public safety or emergency vehicles.
   (b)   Where signs are posted giving notice thereof, no person shall park a motor vehicle other than a police, City-owned, public safety or emergency vehicle along any curb space in the City designated by the Commissioner of Transportation for exclusive use by police, City-owned, public safety or emergency vehicles.
   (c)   The Commissioner of Transportation is hereby authorized and directed to designate on-street curb space for the exclusive use by privately owned vehicles, U.S. Government vehicles or vehicles used for the transportation of disabled persons. The Commissioner of Transportation is further authorized and directed to establish a procedure whereby permits are to be issued and displayed in the windshield of these vehicles to properly identify them.
   (d)   Where signs are posted giving notice thereof, no person shall park a motor vehicle, other than a properly identified privately owned vehicle, a U.S. Government vehicle or a vehicle used for the transportation of a disabled person along any curb space in the City designated by the Commissioner of Transportation for exclusive use by privately owned vehicles, U.S. Government vehicles or vehicles used for the transportation of disabled persons.
   (e)   Designated on-street parking spaces for vehicles used by, or for the transportation of, disabled persons shall be limited to individual metered parking spaces or to curb space provided pursuant to the residential disabled parking permit policy established by the Commissioner of Transportation. These on-street parking spaces shall be identified by signs posted on the individual parking meter posts or by signs establishing special zones in residential areas.
(Ord. 979-89. Passed 10-24-89; Ord. 104-94. Passed 3-14-94.)
351.14. Municipally owned or operated public off-street parking.
   No person shall park, except in a designated parking space, any vehicle, unless otherwise posted, in any Municipally owned and/or operated off-street parking lot or Municipally owned and/or operated parking structure.
(Ord. 727-86. Passed 9-30-86.)
351.15. Non-public municipal off-street parking.
   (a)    When official signs are erected prohibiting or restricting parking at any municipally maintained parking lot, area or place, no person shall park a vehicle in any such designated lot, area or place without first having obtained authorization therefor from the Director of Public Service. The foregoing shall not apply to any municipally maintained parking lot, area or place which is serviced by parking meters.
   (b)    Law Enforcement Officers, as defined in Section 309.01 of this Code, are hereby authorized to issue a parking ticket and/or remove by towing or otherwise any vehicle from a municipally maintained parking lot, when such vehicle is parked therein without proper authorization.
   (c)    Within municipally maintained parking lots for the exclusive use of Municipal employees, the Director of Public Service shall have the authority to designate places or areas therein for the exclusive use by employees within the various divisions and departments of the City and Municipal Court. Law Enforcement Officers, as defined in section 309.01 of this Code are hereby authorized to issue a parking ticket and/or remove by towing or otherwise any vehicle of a City employee from such municipally maintained parking lot when such employee has parked his or her automobile in a place therein other than his or her designated parking place or area.
   (d)    The Director of Finance shall have authority to contract with any governmental or non-governmental entity including the Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority to provide services in enforcing the City's rules, regulations and ordinances relating to non-public municipal off-street parking at any municipally maintained parking lot, area, or place, including, but not limited to, issuing, processing and collecting fines for civil Parking Infractions and in processing, collecting and enforcing parking tickets issued by Law Enforcement Officers, including those issued by traffic aides of the Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority or its designated assigns, and civil judgments and default civil judgments entered pursuant to this Chapter. All contracts entered into by the Director of Finance shall be subject to approval of City Council and the Mayor.
(Ord. 73-19. Passed 2-5-19.)
351.16. Fire lanes on private property.
   When fire lanes have been established on private property and the owner of such property has been so notified, it shall be the responsibility of the property owner to place and maintain traffic control devices, approved by the Commissioner of Transportation, on such fire lanes.
(A.O.; Ord. 104-94. Passed 3-14-94.)