339.01 Oversize or overweight vehicles; transport of certain loads.
339.02 Issuance of permits.
339.03 Maximum width, height and length.
339.04 Maximum tire loads.
339.05 Maximum axle and wheel loads; gross weights.
339.06 Load limits on State routes.
339.07 Load limits for bridges and structures.
339.09 Vehicle weight limits.
339.10 Commercial vehicles in parks.
339.99 Penalty.
See sectional histories for similar State law
Weighing vehicle; removal of excess load-see Ohio R.C. 4513.33
Slower moving vehicles to be driven in right-hand lane-see TRAF. 331.01 (b)
Fatigued or ill drivers-see TRAF. 341.01
Commercial deliveries-see TRAF. 351.07
Parking commercial vehicles-see TRAF. 351.07 et seq.
Permit fee-see ADM. 127.05(g)
Load limit street-see TRAF. SCH. III
(a) No person shall operate or move any vehicle, or combination of vehicles, load, object or structure not including vehicles run upon stationary rails or tracks or other vehicles or apparatus belonging to or used by the Municipality in the discharge of its functions, over or upon any public street, highway, alley, bridge or structure upon wheels, rollers, or otherwise of a size or weight in excess of the maximum limitations prescribed in this chapter including the size or weight of vehicle, object, structure, or contrivance and load except pursuant to a special written permit issued by either the Ohio Director of Transportation or the Director of Public Service as specified in Section 339.02.
(ORC 5577.02)
(b) No operator of any vehicle, except those belonging to or used by the Municipality, shall haul loads of the following materials over or upon any public street, highway, alley, bridge or structure except pursuant to a special written permit issued by the Director of Public Service as specified in Section 339.02:
(1) Demolition materials from any building demolition site of 100,000 square feet or more floor area.
(2) Excavation materials from a site of 300 cubic yards or more.
(3) Fill materials to a site of 300 cubic yards or more.
(a) Whenever the movement of a vehicle or combination of vehicles of a size or weight of vehicle or load requires a special permit, the Ohio Director of Transportation shall have authority to issue such a permit provided that such movement is to be made entirely on a roadway or roadways which are a part of the State highway system within the City and provided also that such movement is to be made partly within and partly without the corporate limits of the City.
(b) Whenever the movement of a vehicle or combination of vehicles of a size or weight of vehicle or load requires a special permit, the Director of Public Service shall have authority to issue such a permit except as provided in subsection (a) hereof. The Director of Public Service shall establish a fee schedule and shall charge a fee for the issuance of each such permit in accordance with the fee schedule. For permits involving work contracted by the City or its agents, the Director of Public Service may at his discretion waive such fees.
(c) The authority by subsection (a) or (b) hereof may, upon application in writing and for good cause shown, issue a special permit in writing authorizing the applicant to operate or move a vehicle or load exceeding the maximum limitations of this chapter. Any such permit may be issued for such period of time, not to exceed one year, as the authority in his discretion deems advisable or for the duration of any construction project.
(d) The application for any such permit shall be in such form as the authority by subsection (a) or (b) hereof prescribes.
(e) The authority by subsection (a) or (b) hereof may issue or withhold such permit; or, if such permit is issued, may limit or prescribe conditions of operation for such vehicle, and require bond or other security necessary to compensate for any damage to a roadway or road structure.
(f) Every such permit shall be carried in the vehicle or combination of vehicles to which it refers and shall be open to inspection by any police officer or authorized agent of any authority granting such permit. No person shall violate any of the terms of such permit.
(ORC 4513.34)
No vehicle shall be operated upon the public streets, highways, bridges and culverts within the Municipality, whose dimensions exceed those specified in this section.
(a) No such vehicle shall have a width in excess of:
(1) 104 inches for passenger bus-type vehicles operated exclusively within municipal corporations;
(2) 102 inches, excluding such safety devices as are required by law, for passenger bus-type vehicles operated over freeways, and such other State roads with minimum pavement widths of twenty-two feet, except those roads or portions thereof over which operation of 102-inch buses is prohibited by order of the Ohio Director of Transportation;
(3) 132 inches for traction engines;
(4) 102 inches, including load, for all other vehicles, except that the Director may, by journal entry, prohibit the operation of 102-inch vehicles on such State highways or portions thereof as the Director designates.
(b) No such vehicle shall have a length in excess of:
(1) Forty-eight feet for passenger bus-type vehicles operated exclusively within municipal corporations;
(2) Forty feet for all other passenger bus-type vehicles;
(3) Fifty-three feet for any semitrailer when operated in a commercial tractor-semitrailer combination, with or without load, except that the Director may, by journal entry, prohibit the operation of any such commercial tractor-semitrailer combination on such State highways or portions thereof as the Director designates.
(4) Twenty-eight and one-half feet for any semitrailer or trailer when operated in a commercial tractor-semitrailer-trailer or commercial tractor-semitrailer-semitrailer combination, except that the Director may, by journal entry, prohibit the operation of any such commercial tractor-semitrailer-trailer or commercial trailer-semitrailer-semitrailer combination on such State highways or portions thereof as the Director designates;
(5) Sixty-five feet for any other combination of vehicles coupled together, with or without load, except as provided in subsections (b)(3) and(4) hereof and in subsection (d) hereof;
(6) Forty feet for all other vehicles, except trailers and semitrailers, with or without load.
(c) No such vehicle shall have a height in excess of thirteen feet six inches, with or without load.
(d) Any automobile transporter shall be allowed a length of sixty-five feet, and any stinger-steered automobile transporter shall be allowed a length of seventy-five feet, except that the load thereon may extend not more than four feet beyond the rear of such vehicles and may extend not more than three feet beyond the front of such vehicles, and except further, that the Director may, by journal entry, prohibit the operation of any stinger-steered automobile transporter or a B-trail Assembly on any State highway, or portion thereof, that the Director designates.
The lengths prescribed in subsections (b)(2) to (6) hereof shall not include safety devices, bumpers attached to the front or rear of such bus or combination, B-trail Assembly used between the first and second semitrailer of a commercial tractor-semitrailer-semitrailer combination, emergency conservation devices as provided in any regulations adopted by the Secretary of the United States Department of Transportation, or any noncargo-carrying refrigeration equipment attached to the front of trailers and semitrailers. In special cases, vehicles whose dimensions exceed those prescribed by this section may operate in accordance with rules promulgated by the Ohio Director of Transportation.
This section does not apply to fire engines, fire trucks or other vehicles or apparatus belonging to any municipal corporation or to the volunteer fire department of any municipal corporation or used by such department in the discharge of its functions. This section does not apply to vehicles and pole trailers of pipes or well-drilling equipment, nor to farm machinery and equipment. The owner or operator of any vehicle, machinery or equipment not specifically enumerated in this section but the dimensions of which exceed the dimensions provided in this section, shall when operating the same on the highways and streets of the Municipality comply with the rules of the Director governing such movement, which rules the Director may adopt and promulgate. Ohio R.C. 119.01 to 119.13, inclusive, apply to any rules adopted under this section, or the amendment or rescission thereof, and any person adversely affected shall have the same right of appeal as provided in such sections.
This section does not require the State, the Municipality, County, township or any railroad or other private corporations to provide sufficient vertical clearance to permit the operation of such vehicle, or to make any changes in or about existing structures now crossing streets, roads and other public thoroughfares in the Municipality.
(Ord. 176-89. Passed 2-28-89.)
No person shall operate or move any vehicle or combination of vehicles, including any load, which imposes tire loads upon the surface of a public street, highway, alley, bridge or structure in excess of the following:
(a) In vehicles having metal tires:
(1) Three inches or less in width, a load of 550 pounds for each inch of the total width of tire on all wheels;
(2) Greater than three inches in width, an additional load of 800 pounds shall be permitted for each inch by which the total width of the tires on all wheels exceeds twelve inches.
(b) In vehicles having tires of rubber or other similar substances, for each inch of the total width of tires on all wheels, as follows:
(1) For tires three inches in width, a load of 450 pounds;
(2) For tires three and one-half inches in width, a load of 450 pounds;
(3) For tires four inches in width, a load of 500 pounds;
(4) For tires five inches in width, a load of 600 pounds;
(5) For tires six inches and over in width, a load of 650 pounds.
The total width of tires on all wheels shall be, in case of solid tires of rubber or other similar substance, the actual width in inches of all such tires between the flanges at the base of the tires, but in no event shall that portion of the tire coming in contact with the road surface be less than two-thirds the width so measured between the flanges.
In the case of pneumatic tires, of rubber or other similar substance, the total width of tires on all wheels shall be the actual width of all such tires, measured at the widest portion thereof when inflated and not bearing a load.
In no event shall the load, including the proportionate weight of vehicle that can be concentrated on any wheel, exceed 650 pounds to each inch in width of the tread as defined in this section for solid tires, or each inch in the actual diameter of pneumatic tires measured when inflated and not bearing a load.
(ORC 5577.03)
(a) For pneumatic tired vehicles.
(1) The maximum wheel load of any one wheel of any vehicle, trackless trolley, load, object or structure operated or moved upon improved public highways, streets, bridges or culverts shall not exceed 650 pounds per inch width of pneumatic tire, measured as prescribed by Section 339.03 and by Ohio R. C. 5577.03.
(2) The weight of vehicle and load imposed upon the road surface by vehicles with pneumatic tires shall not exceed any of the following weight limitations:
A. On any one axle, 20,000 pounds;
B. On any tandem axle, 34,000 pounds;
C. On any two or more consecutive axles, the maximum weight as determined by application of the formula provided in subsection (a)(4) hereof.
(3) The maximum overall gross weight of vehicle and load imposed upon the road surface shall not exceed 80,000 pounds.
(4) For purposes of subsection (a)(2)C hereof, the maximum gross weight on any two or more consecutive axles shall be determined by application of the following formula:
W = 500 ([LN/N-1] + 12N + 36)
In this formula, W equals the overall gross weight on any group of two or more consecutive axles to the nearest 500 pounds, L equals the distance in feet between the extreme of any group of two or more consecutive axles, and N equals the number of axles in the group under consideration. However, two consecutive sets of tandem axles may carry a gross load of 34,000 pounds each, provided the overall distances between the first and last axles of such consecutive sets of tandem axles is thirty-six feet or more.
(5) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, when a vehicle is towing another vehicle, such drawbar or other connection shall be of a length such as will limit the spacing between nearest axles of the respective vehicles to a distance not in excess of twelve feet and six inches.
(6) As used in this section, "tandem axle" means two consecutive axles whose centers may be included between parallel transverse vertical planes spaced more than forty inches but not more than ninety-six inches apart, extending across the full width of the vehicle.
(b) For solid-tired vehicles.
(1) No vehicle, trackless trolley, load, object or structure having a maximum axle load greater than 16,000 pounds when such vehicle is equipped with solid rubber tires shall be operated or moved upon improved public highways, streets, bridges or culverts. The maximum wheel load of any one wheel of any such vehicle shall not exceed 650 pounds per inch width of tire, measured as prescribed by Section 339.03 and by Ohio R. C. 5577.03, nor shall any solid tire of rubber or other resilient material, on any wheel of any such vehicle, be less than one inch thick when measured from the top of the flanges of the tire channel.
(2) The weight of vehicle and load imposed upon the road surface by any two successive axles, spaced four feet or less apart, shall not exceed 19,000 pounds for solid tires, or by any two successive axles spaced more than four feet but less than eight feet apart shall not exceed 24,000 pounds for solid tires; or by any two successive axles, spaced eight feet or more apart, shall not exceed 28,000 pounds for solid tires; nor shall the total weight of vehicle and load exceed, for solid rubber tires, 28,000 pounds plus an additional 600 pounds for each foot or fraction thereof of spacing between the front axle and the rearmost axle of the vehicle; nor shall the weight of vehicle and load imposed upon the road surface by any vehicle equipped with solid rubber tires, exceed eighty percent (80%) of the permissible weight of vehicle and load as provided for pneumatic tires.
(3) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, when a vehicle is towing another vehicle, such drawbar or other connection shall be of a length such as will limit the spacing between the nearest axles of the respective vehicles to a distance not in excess of twelve feet six inches.
(Ord. 20-93. Passed 1-12-93.)
Whenever the Ohio Director of Transportation has established an altered weight limit upon any State route or part thereof as prescribed in Ohio R.C. 4513.33 and whenever appropriate signs are posted giving notice thereof, no person shall operate or move any vehicle or combination of vehicles upon such State route or part thereof in excess of such weight limits.
(a) The Commissioner of Streets, Bridges and Harbor shall determine upon the basis of an engineering investigation the safe carrying capacity of the bridges and structures on streets and highways under his jurisdiction. Upon receipt of a written request from the Commissioner for the establishment of a load limit on a bridge or structure for which the safe carrying capacity is less than the loads prescribed in Section 339.05, the Commissioner of Transportation shall establish a regulation therefor and shall cause an appropriate sign giving notice thereof to be conspicuously posted near each end of such bridge or structure.
(b) No person shall operate or move upon any bridge or structure with a load limit established as provided in subsection (a) hereof any vehicle or combination of vehicles, including any load, which imposes upon such bridge or structure a total weight in excess of the posted load limit.
(A.O.; Ord. 104-94. Passed 3-14-94.)
Any police officer having reason to believe that the weight of a vehicle and its load is unlawful may require the driver of such vehicle to stop and submit to a weighing of it by means of a compact, self-contained, portable, sealed scale especially adapted to determining the wheel loads of vehicles on highways; a sealed scale permanently installed in a fixed location, having a load-receiving element specially adapted to determining the wheel loads of highway vehicles; a sealed scale permanently installed in a fixed location, having a load-receiving element specially adapted to determining the combined load of all wheels on a single axle or on successive axles of a highway vehicle; or a sealed scale adapted to weighing highway vehicles, loaded or unloaded. The driver of such vehicle shall, if necessary, be directed to proceed to the nearest available of such sealed scales to accomplish the weighing, provided such scales are within three miles of the point where such vehicle is stopped. Any vehicle stopped in accordance with this section may be held by the police officer for a reasonable time only to accomplish the weighing as prescribed by this section. All scales used in determining the lawful weight of a vehicle and its load shall be annually compared by a Municipal, county or State sealer with the State standards or standards approved by the State and such scales shall not be sealed if they do not conform to the State standards or standards approved by the State.
At each end of a permanently installed scale there shall be a straight approach in the same plane as the platform, of sufficient length and width to insure the level positioning of vehicles during weight determinations.
During determination of weight by compact, self-contained, portable, sealed scales, specially adapted to determining the wheel loads of vehicles on highways, they shall always be used on terrain of sufficient length and width to accommodate the entire vehicle being weighed. Such terrain shall be level, or if not level, it shall be of such elevation that the difference in elevation between the wheels on any one axle does not exceed two inches and the difference in elevation between axles being weighed does not exceed one-fourth inch per foot of the distance between such axles.
In all determination of all weights, except gross weight, by compact, self-contained, portable, sealed scales, specially adapted to determining the wheel loads of vehicles on highways, all successive axles, twelve feet or less apart, shall be weighed simultaneously by placing one such scale under the outside wheel of each such axle. In determinations of gross weight by the use of compact, self contained, portable, sealed scales, specially adapted to determining the wheel loads of vehicles on highways, all axles shall be weighed simultaneously by placing one such scale under the outside wheel of each axle.
Whenever such officer upon weighing a vehicle and load determines that the weight is unlawful, he may require the driver to stop the vehicle in a suitable place and remain standing until such portion of the load is removed as is necessary to reduce the weight of such vehicle to the limit permitted under Sections 339.01 to 339.07.
(ORC 4513.33)