Section 31. Salary and Attendance of Council Members.
   The salary of the Council shall be fixed by Ordinance. The salary of Council shall not be increased or decreased during their term in office. Any ordinance establishing the salary for the Council shall be enacted by June 1 of the year prior to commencement of the term of the member of Council. Any other provision of this Charter notwithstanding, by January 30, 2001 and every fourth January thereafter a seven-member commission to review the salaries of Mayor and Council shall be created by ordinance of Council. This commission shall make salary recommendations to the Council by April 1 of that year. Any recommendation from this commission must be made by an affirmative vote of at least a four-member majority of the seven-member commission. No Ordinance granting a salary increase shall be enacted prior to receiving a report by the Commission.
   For each absence of a member from regular meetings of the Council, unless excused by a vote of at least two-thirds (2/3) of all the members thereof, there shall be deducted a sum equal to two percent (2%) of his or her annual salary. For each absence of a member from regular meetings of any Council committee of which he or she is a member made up entirely of members of Council, unless excused by a vote of at least two-thirds (2/3) of all members of the Council, there shall be deducted a sum equal to one percent (1%) of his or her annual salary. A member of Council who shall be absent from ten (10) consecutive regular meetings of the Council, or from ten (10) consecutive meetings of any specific committee of which he or she is a member made up entirely of members of Council, shall operate to vacate the seat of the member, unless such absence be authorized by a majority vote of Council.
(Amended by electors 11-7-00)