1104.2301 Location.
   A Marijuana Facility shall not be located within:
   A. 500 feet of any school (K-12), church, public park, public playground, public library, pre-school, or child day care center, or other use established specifically for the activities of minors.
(Ord. 359-17. Passed 8-22-17; Ord. 23-24. Passed 1-17-24.)
1104.2302 Dispensaries.
   The following regulations pertain to Dispensaries:
   A. A Dispensary shall not be located within 1,000 feet of another Dispensary; and
   B. The hours of operation of a Dispensary shall be limited to 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., or other hours consistent with a Marijuana Dispensary permit issued by the State of Ohio, as a condition of development approval.
(Ord. 359-17. Passed 8-22-17; Ord. 23-24. Passed 1-17-24.)
1104.2400 Urban Agriculture.
   This section refers to community gardens, composting, agricultural buildings, and urban agriculture as defined in Sec. 1116.0202 and 1116.0119.1 of this code. Home gardens with a principal residential use are not subject to the following regulations, except for 1104.2405.
(Ord. 158-18. Passed 4-24-18.)
1104.2401 Setbacks.
   All unenclosed garden areas must be three-feet (3') from any property line; unless a site distance setback issue is present. Special setbacks apply to composting in residential districts as listed in Sec. 1104.2407. When Urban Agriculture is the principal land use, the underlying zoning district setback standards of Sec. 1106.0100 shall apply to any structures/buildings. When Urban Agriculture is considered an accessory land use, then the setback standards and use regulations of Sec. 1105.0201 shall apply to any structures/buildings.
1104.2402 Water.
   Urban agriculture gardens shall have legal access to a source of water. The water source need not be on site. Use of water storage systems, such as cisterns and rain barrels, is allowed when in compliance with the buildings/structures provisions of this section. For information on establishing an onsite source of water contact the Utilities Administration Division within the City of Toledo Department of Public Utilities.
(Ord. 158-18. Passed 4-24-18.)