A. As defined in Sec. 1116.0119.3, composting is permitted as an accessory use in residential zoning districts. Composting activities within residential zoning districts shall adhere to all of the following standards:
1. No compost pile or total composting area shall exceed three-hundred cubic feet (300ft3) in size and/or five feet (5') in height.
2. Any compost pile or area shall comply with the setbacks of Sec. 1105.0201.
3. A compost pile or total composting area shall be located as far away from adjacent residential areas as possible and properly screened.
4. Unless generated at the site, the following materials shall not be accepted from off-site sources for composting: animal manures and food scraps consisting of, or containing meats, bones, and dairy products.
5. Composting areas and structures shall be maintained in a manner that protects adjacent properties from nuisance odors and the attraction of rodents or other pests.
B. Composting as a principal use is defined under the Construction Sales and Services use category.
(Ord. 158-18. Passed 4-24-18.)