2113.44 Hours of work; work schedules.
   Except for emergency situations, the following shall be the established work schedules for the members of the Association working the various Sections and Bureaus of the Department of Fire & Rescue Operations.
   Starting and quitting times of the Line Chiefs shall be 6:30 a.m.; Bureaus and offices shall remain as presently scheduled, unless operational procedures necessitate a change.
   Fire Fighting Platoons: Effective January 1, 1980, and thereafter, the work week shall continue on the established schedule with the platoons scheduled to work an annual average of forty-eight (48) hours per week. If the total hours of the work week become part of any wage package concession, then the membership of the TFCA agrees to assume a like number of hours for its work week, to gain the same wage package.
   Training and Other Staff Positions: The work day shall be the employee's regularly scheduled hours of work with a fixed starting and quitting time, and shall consist of consecutive hours, except as broken for break periods and the lunch periods.
   The work week shall consist of a forty (40) hour work week, as determined by the Chief/Director of the Department.