1319.02. Stopping work.
   Whenever the Division of Building Inspection is satisfied, through inspection, that illegal or unauthorized work is occurring or has occurred on a building or structure regulated by this Code, the Chief Building Official shall serve a written notice of adjudication, also known as a stop work order, upon the property owner, the owner's agent, or the person responsible for the violation. The notice of adjudication shall direct that person to stop such illegal action and suspend such unauthorized work until the condition in violation has been remedied. Illegal or unauthorized work shall be considered to be:
   (a)   work in non-compliance with or in violation of the building codes adopted in this Part Thirteen;
   (b)   work being performed in a dangerous or unsafe manner;
   (c)   work in non-compliance with approved construction documents;
   (d)   violations in the operation of a building contrary to the public welfare, defined in TMC Chapter 1725.
(Ord. 129-15. Passed 3-31-15.)