(1)   Existing Landscape Material
      (a)   Unless otherwise noted, existing landscape material in healthy condition can be used to satisfy the requirements of this section in whole or in part provided they meet all requirements of this section.
      (b)   The Zoning Administrator shall have the authority to determine if any existing landscape material can be used to satisfy the requirements of this section.
   (2)   Intersection Visibility
   All landscaping shall be subject to the intersection visibility standards established in § 154.10(F)(4)(d)(i).
   (3)   Walls and Fences Used for Landscaping
      (a)   Walls and fences used to comply with the standards of this section shall also comply with § 154.06(A)(4)(i).
      (b)   Chain link fences with or without wooden or synthetic slat material shall not be allowed when used to satisfy the buffer requirements of this section.
   (4)   Planting Standards
   All plants utilized in the fulfillment of the requirements of this section shall meet the following requirements:
      (a)   Plants installed shall meet the standards for size, form, and quality set out in the American Standard for Nursery Stock (ANSI Z60.1, latest edition); and
      (b)   Trees shall be balled and burlapped or in containers. Shrubs, vines, and ground covers can be planted as bare root as well as balled and burlapped or from containers.
      (c)   Plant materials should consist of native and/or drought-tolerant vegetation to the maximum extent feasible.
      (d)   All landscaping materials shall be free of noxious weeds, disease, and pests.
      (e)   Nursery stock identification tags shall not be removed from any planting prior to inspection and approval of final installation by the city.
      (f)   Vegetation shall comply with the minimum size requirements established in Table 154.09-1.
Vegetation Type
Minimum Size Requirement
Deciduous Trees (Canopy or Understory)
2.5-inch DBH and a clear trunk height of 5 feet
Evergreen Trees
6 feet in height when planted
2 feet in height when planted
Size as needed so that the plant materials forms a continuous, unbroken screen within 1 planting season
DBH = Diameter at Breast Height
      (g)   Trees of species whose roots are known to cause damage to public roadways, sidewalks, or other public works shall not be planted closer than 6 feet to such public works, unless the tree root system is completely contained within a barrier for which the minimum interior dimensions shall be 5 feet square and 5 feet deep, and for which the construction requirements shall be 4 inches thick concrete reinforced with #6 road mesh (6x6x6) or equivalent.
   (5)   Species Diversity
   To curtail the spread of disease or insect infestation in a plant species, new plantings shall comply with the standards of Table 154.09-2.
Number of Trees Required on Site
Maximum Percentage of Trees that may be of a Single Species
40 or more
   (6)   Mounding Specifications
      (a)   Mounding provided in lieu of or in combination with walls, fences, and/or evergreen plantings shall consist of a strip of land as wide as necessary to obtain a maximum slope of 3:1 (angle of repose).
      (b)   Mounding may include rocks and other excavated materials, but 1 foot of dirt covered by 6 inches of topsoil shall be provided over the entire mounding. Trees, shrubs, wood, and other non-compactable items shall not be used in the construction of mounding.
      (c)   No mounding will be allowed in any required utility easements, except for perpendicular utility easement crossings. Mounding shall provide adequate access to utility easements adjacent to the mounding.
      (d)   Mounding shall be planted with a ground cover suitable to prevent erosion, and shall be maintained by the private property owner, in conformance with code, on which the mound rests. Trees may also be planted on the mounding.
      (e)   A difference in elevation between areas requiring screening does not constitute an existing earth mound and shall not be considered as fulfilling any screening requirement.
      (f)   The drainage patterns shall be considered, maintained and/or modified only with the approval of the City Engineer, when mounding is used.
      (g)   The property on which the mound is located is responsible for the maintenance of the mound including but not limited to grass cutting, tree trimming/replacement, etc.
      (h)   Where mounding is installed, the applicant shall be responsible for submitting as-built drawings, sketches, and photographs illustrating compliance with the section to the Zoning Administrator prior to the issuance of an occupancy permit.
(Ord. 5-14, passed 3-17-2014)