Sign Maintenance and Abandoned Signs
1197.01   Sign maintenance and repair required.
1197.02   Abandoned signs prohibited.
1197.03   Dangerous or defective signs prohibited.
1197.04   Removal of signs by Engineering Department.
1197.05   Disposal of signs; cost assessment; penalties.
Nonconforming signs - see P. & Z. 1193.06
   Every sign including, but not limited to, those signs for which no permits or permit fees are required, shall be maintained in a safe, presentable and good structural condition at all times, including the replacement of defective parts, painting, repainting, cleaning and other acts required for the maintenance of such sign. The Engineering Department shall require compliance with all standards of these Codified Ordinances. If the sign is not made to comply with adequate safety standards, the Engineering Department shall require its removal in accordance with this section.
(Ord. 07-14. Passed 4-2-07.)
   Except as otherwise provided in this Code, any business sign which is located on property which becomes vacant or unoccupied for a period of three months or more, or any sign which pertains to a time, event or purpose which no longer applies, shall be deemed to have been abandoned. Signs applicable to a business temporarily suspended because of a change of ownership or management of such business shall not be deemed abandoned unless the property remains vacant for a period of six months or more. Any off-premises sign which no longer, and for a period of three consecutive months, advertises goods, products, services or facilities available to the public or which directs persons to a different location where such goods, products, services or facilities are not for a period of three consecutive months available, shall be deemed to have been abandoned. An abandoned sign is declared to be a nuisance, is prohibited, and shall be removed by the owner of the sign, or, if the owner of the sign cannot reasonably be determined or located, by the owner of the premises.
(Ord. 07-14. Passed 4-2-07.)
   No person shall maintain or permit to be maintained on any premises owned or controlled by him any sign which is in a dangerous or defective condition. Any such sign shall be removed or repaired by the owner of the sign, or, if the owner of the sign cannot reasonably be determined or located, by the owner of the premises.
(Ord. 07-14. Passed 4-2-07.)