General Provisions, Enforcement and Penalty
1193.01   Title and intent.
1193.02   Purpose.
1193.03   Interpretation.
1193.04   Permits required.
1193.05   Administration.
1193.06   Non-conforming signs.
1193.07   Non-conforming land uses.
1193.08   Enforcement.
1193.99   Penalty.
      Variances and appeals - see P. & Z. Ch. 1148
      Violation of zoning ordinances - see Ohio R.C. 713.13
   1193.01 TITLE AND INTENT.
   The provisions of Title Nine of the Codified Ordinances, pertaining to the regulation of signs in the City, shall be known as the “Sign Code of the City of Tiffin.”
(Ord. 07-14. Passed 4-2-07.)
   1193.02 PURPOSE.
   The purpose of Title Nine is to promote and protect the public health, welfare, and safety of the general public by regulating existing and proposed outdoor advertising signs and outdoor signs of all types as well as the following:
   (a)    It is intended to protect property values.
   (b)    Create a more attractive economic and business climate.
   (c)    Enhance and protect the physical appearance of the community.
   (d)    Preserve the scenic and natural beauty of designated areas.
   (e)    Reduce sign or advertising distraction and obstructions that may contribute to traffic accidents.
   (f)    Reduce hazards that may be caused by signs overhanging or projecting over public rights-of-way.
   (g)    Provide more open space.
   (h)    Curb the deterioration of the natural environment.
   (i)    Enhance community development.
   (j)    Establish sign limitations which allow reasonable capability for advertisement, but which prevent the escalation of sign competition to levels which are nonproductive and create unnecessarily high entrepreneurial costs.
   (k)    Provide sign regulations which are directly related to land use and, therefore, to the functional and economic need for signs of varying sizes, types, and locations.
   (l)    Create a system of variances and appeals to allow exceptions to these regulations where justified by unusual conditions, and to provide for interpretation of this Code as it may become necessary.
   (m)    Provide for the uniform and eventual elimination of all signs not in conformance with this Code or a variance thereof.
   (n)    Facilitate the swift and effective enforcement and prosecution of this Code, while preserving the right of the individual to due process.
      (Ord. 07-14. Passed 4-2-07.)
   In interpretation and application, the provisions of this Sign Code, as most recently amended, shall be held to be minimum requirements.
(Ord. 07-14. Passed 4-2-07.)