1177.01 Purpose.
1177.02 Principal permitted uses.
1177.03 Conditionally permitted uses.
1177.04 Height and area regulations.
1177.05 Parking and loading regulations.
Off-street parking - see P. & Z. 1183.08
Noxious or dangerous conditions - see P. & Z. 1185.08
Adult uses - see P. & Z. 1185.04
Wireless telecommunication towers - see P. & Z. 1185.12
Signs - see P. & Z. 1197.06
(a) Any use permitted in Section 1175.02.
(b) Assembly of components for transportation of vehicles.
(c) Wood or lumber yard/sawmill (wholesale).
(d) Establishments furnishing local or long distance trucking or transfer services, or those engaged in the storage of farm products, furniture and other household goods, or commercial goods of any nature.
(e) Fabricated structural metal products, metal forgings, and metal stampings.
(f) Manufacture of glass products, cement, structural clay products, pottery, concrete, and other products from materials taken principally from the earth in the form of stone, clay, and sand.
(g) Manufacture of glue, except dental; animal, vegetable, fish, casein, and synthetic resin.
(h) Manufacture of industrial and commercial machinery and equipment.
(i) Manufacture of soap and other detergents; specialty cleaning, polishing, and sanitation preparations; perfumes, cosmetics, and other toilet preparations.
(j) Welding shops and /or machine shops provided that no building used for such purposes shall have any opening other than stationary windows and required fire exits on the side of such building which faces and is adjacent to a residential district or existing residential property.
(k) Auto wrecking and scrap yards, but only when the premises upon which such activities are conducted are wholly enclosed within a building.
(l) Accessory buildings or uses customarily incidental to the above uses.
(a) Non-commercial equestrian stables and riding facilities.
(c) Acid manufacturing.
(d) Explosives manufacture or storage.
(e) Petroleum refining, manufacturing paving and roofing materials, and related products.
(f) Smelting and refining ferrous and nonferrous metals and manufacturing castings and other basic metal products.
(h) Fat rendering and fertilizer manufacture.
(i) Garbage; collecting, destroying, processing.
(j) Any other use which is determined by the Zoning Board of Appeals to be of the same general character as the above uses.