1169.01 Purpose.
1169.02 Permitted uses.
1169.03 Conditionally permitted uses.
1169.04 Height and area regulations.
1169.05 Parking and loading regulations.
Height and area requirements - see P. & Z. Ch. 1181
Retail sales and services as an accessory use - see P. & Z. 1181.05
Signs - see P. & Z. 1197.04
Permitted uses in the C-2 District include the following:
(a) Any use permitted in the C-1 Local Commercial District, without any limitations upon the floor area.
(b) Automobile, boat or trailer, farm implement, recreational vehicle, and manufactures home sales and service display and sales rooms, and when located at least fifty feet (50') from the boundary of any R District, a used car or trailer sales or storage lot.
(c) Business or commercial school.
(d) Service stations and automobile repair garages (with or without convenience store).
(e) Car washing facilities.
(f) Commercial printing businesses.
(g) Indoor commercial and noncommercial recreational facilities.
(h) Amusement arcades.
(i) Dancing or music academy.
(j) Frozen food locker/butcher shop.
(k) Hotels and motels.
(l) Parking or public garage.
(m) Plant nursery or greenhouse.
(n) Radio or television broadcasting station or studio.
(o) Restaurants with or without drive-in or drive-through facilities.
(p) Theater.
(q) Mini-storage facilities.
(r) Painting, plumbing or tinsmithing shop, printing shop, tire sales and service, upholstering shop not involving furniture manufacturing, and any other general service or repair establishment of similar character.
(s) Art or antique stores, interior decorating shops, furniture and appliance stores, music sores, travel agencies, department stores, variety and discount stores, jewelry stores, dry goods and apparel stores, mail order houses.
(t) Billiard parlors, pool halls, bowling alleys, and similar establishment (coin operated machines, pinballs, etc.).
(u) Building materials, sales yard, and lumber yards, including mill work when within a completely enclosed building. Storage yards related to this use shall be fenced.
(v) Commercial art, photographic, music, and dancing studios.
(w) Drive-in-and drive-through restaurants.
(x) Dance halls.
(y) Taverns, nightclubs, and cafes.
(z) Printing, publishing, or engraving.
(aa) Service industry such as laundry, cleaning or dyeing establishment or similar use.
(bb) Nano brewery operating in conjunction as a tavern.
(cc) Nano distillery.
(dd) Accessory building or uses customarily incidental to the above uses.
(Ord. 20-112. Passed 12-21-20.)
(a) Veterinary clinic or animal hospital provided no such building, kennel or exercise runway is closer than fifty feet (50') to the boundary of any R District. Animal runs shall be enclosed on four sides by unpierced fence or wall at least five feet (5') in height.
(b) Nursing or convalescent home.
(c) Non-commercial equestrian stables and riding facilities.
(d) Drive-in theaters.
(f) Hospital and sanitarium of any type.
(g) Any other use which is determined by the Zoning Board of Appeals to be of the same general character as the above uses.