(a)   Connection Permit Required. No connection shall be made with any sewer within the City without the written permission of the City Engineer, and every connection or opening made into any sewer without such permission, or in any manner different from the mode herein described for such opening or connection shall subject the person or persons making the same, and the owner or owners of the premises directing it, to a penalty hereinafter prescribed and each day shall be considered a separate offense.
   (b)   Information for Applications for Permit. All applications for permits must be made in writing by a sewer builder licensed in accordance with Section 905.05, and must be accompanied by the signature of the owner of the premises for whose benefit the application is made, or by his authorized agent and must state the location, number of lot and name of owner, and such application shall be filed in the City Engineer's office.
(Ord. 76-65. Passed 9-7-76.)
   (c)   The City Engineer to Grant Permits. The City Engineer is hereby authorized to grant such permits as he may deem necessary for allowing persons to tap the sewers and make connections therewith, upon the express condition that the person for whose benefit such connection is made, and all of such person's successors in interest, shall hold the City harmless for any loss or damage that may result from such tap or connection. A fee as approved per Ordinance No. 19-69 shall be paid to the City Engineer at the time a sewer tap permit is issued and the fee shall be deposited by the Director of Finance in the Sewer Improvement Fund. The City Engineer shall collect other applicable fees for permits as set forth in Ordinance No. 19-69.
(Ord. 20-109. Passed 11-16-20.)
   (d)   Basis for Refusing Permit. The City Engineer may decline to issue a connection permit if the connection or extension connection would significantly contribute to overloading the existing facilities or if it appeared that the connection would be used for introducing into the system a substance prohibited by Section 907.03 of the Codified Ordinances.
(Ord. 76-65. Passed 9-7-76.)