A.   Permit Required: None of the duties or privileges imposed or conferred by this Chapter shall in any way be deemed to authorize or allow the obstruction of any street either during or after any work upon any sidewalk, except such as may be absolutely necessary to make such improvement, without a permit therefor.
   B.   Granting Of Permit: No material removed from any sidewalk shall be placed upon any portion of any adjacent street, alley or place unless a permit therefor be granted. (1977 Code § 12.08.080)
   C.   Time Limit For Removal Of Debris: All refuse lumber and debris remaining after the completion of any sidewalk, repairs or renewals of sidewalk, shall be removed from the street forthwith, and any owner, lessee or tenant of abutting property who shall fail to remove any such obstruction from any street, alley or place within forty eight (48) hours after being notified by the Street Superintendent so to do, shall be deemed guilty of maintaining a public nuisance and shall be subject to the penalties prescribed for the violation of any of the provisions of this Chapter.
   D.   Failure To Remove; Lien For Costs: In case of such failure to remove obstructions after such notice, the Street Superintendent shall cause the same to be removed and shall charge the full costs of such removal to such owner, lessee or tenant and the said charge shall become a lien upon said abutting property and shall be collected as hereinbefore provided for the collection of cost of construction or repair of sidewalks. (1977 Code § 12.08.080; amd. 2000 Code)