Exclusive of adjacent lot owners and school employee/student issued parking permits parking as designated below shall be restricted.
   A.   Commencing on August 20 of each year and continuing until June 1 of the next calendar year from the hours of seven fifteen o'clock (7:15) A.M. to four o'clock (4:00) P.M. Monday through Friday parking and stopping of motor vehicle, camper, trailer, farm implement or nonmotorized vehicle shall be restricted as follows:
      1.   E. Oak Street east of N. 4th Ave.: Perpendicular parking only;
      2.   N. 4th Ave. - south of E. Oak Street and north of E. Ash Street:
         a.   Easterly side N. 4th Ave.: One hour parking;
         b.   Westerly side of N. 4th Ave. from E. Oak Street to E. Neal Street: Student drop off and pick up only;
         c.   Westerly side of N. 4th Ave. from E. Neal Street to E. Ash Street: One hour parking;
      3.   N. 3rd Ave. E. - south of Neal Street and north of E. Ash Street:
         a.   Easterly and westerly sides of N. 3rd Ave. E.: One hour parking;
      4.   N. 2nd Ave. E. from W. Oak Street to E. Ash Street:
         a.   Easterly and westerly sides of the street: One hour parking;
      5.   E. Neal Street from N. 2nd Ave. E. to N. 4th Ave. E.:
         a.   Southerly side from N. 2nd Ave. E. to alley between N. 2nd Ave. E. and N. 3rd Ave. E.: School employee/student parking;
         b.   Southerly side from alley between N. 2nd Ave. E. and N. 3rd Ave. E. to N. 3rd Ave. E.: One hour parking;
         c.   Southerly side from N. 3rd Ave. E. to N. 4th Ave. E.: One hour parking;
         d.   Northerly side from N. 2nd Ave. E. to alley between N. 2nd Ave. E. and N. 3rd Ave. E.: One hour parking;
         e.   Northerly side from alley between N. 2nd Ave. E. and N. 3rd Ave. E.: Active loading and unloading for supply trucks;
         f.   Northerly side of E. Neal Street four feet (4') west of the easterly edge of the crosswalk at N. 3rd Ave. E.: Emergency vehicle parking as marked with signage;
         g.   Northerly side of E. Neal Street directly west of the emergency vehicle parking for a distance of eighty feet (80'): Handicapped parking;
         h.   Northerly side of E. Neal Street and extending east from the handicapped parking to the corner of 4th Ave.: No parking - reserved for school buses only.
The City shall issue parking permit(s) exempting the adjacent lot owner(s) from the one hour parking area restrictions and authorizing adjacent lot owner(s) permission, with a City issued parking permit, to park a vehicle in the one hour parking area for longer than the stated restricted time. The parking permit does not authorize the holder to park in any other parking restricted area.
Three Forks School District shall issue parking permits for the school employee/student parking areas.
The Mayor and the City Clerk are hereby authorized to issue special permits which authorize parking in the one hour restricted parking areas for events which occur at the school within the dates and times of restrictions for more permitted parking for more than one hour on a specified day.
   B.   Special school events during school hours are exempt from the one hour parking. (Ord. 362-15, 8-25-2015)