(a) Food Recovery Services collecting or receiving Edible Food directly from Commercial Edible Food Generators, via a contract or written agreement established under 14 CCR Section 18991.3(b), shall maintain the following records, or as otherwise specified by 14 CCR Section 18991.5(a)(1):
(1) The name, address, and contact information for each Commercial Edible Food Generator from which the service collects Edible Food.
(2) The quantity in pounds of Edible Food collected from each Commercial Edible Food Generator per month.
(3) The quantity in pounds of Edible Food transported to each Food Recovery Organization per month.
(4) The name, address, and contact information for each Food Recovery Organization that the Food Recovery Service transports Edible Food to for Food Recovery.
(b) Food Recovery Organizations collecting or receiving Edible Food directly from Commercial Edible Food Generators, via a contract or written agreement established under 14 CCR Section 18991.3(b), shall maintain, and report to the City annually, the following records, or as otherwise specified by 14 CCR Section 18991.5(a)(2):
(1) The name, address, and contact information for each Commercial Edible Food Generator from which the organization receives Edible Food.
(2) The quantity in pounds of Edible Food received from each Commercial Edible Food Generator per month.
(3) The name, address, and contact information for each Food Recovery Service that the organization receives Edible Food from for Food Recovery.
(c) Food Recovery Organizations and Food Recovery Services that have their primary address physically located in the City and contract with or have written agreements with one or more Commercial Edible Food Generators pursuant to 14 CCR Section 18991.3(b) shall report to the City it is located in the total pounds of Edible Food recovered in the previous calendar year from the Tier One and Tier Two Commercial Edible Food Generators they have established a contract or written agreement with pursuant to 14 CCR Section 18991.3(b) no later than January 31st.
(Ord. 1688-NS, eff. December 17, 2021)
(a) Requirements for Haulers. Exclusive Franchise waste hauler providing Residential and/or Commercial Organic waste collection service shall follow all requirements stipulated in the Exclusive Franchise Agreement and this ordinance.
(b) Requirements for Facility Operators and Community Composting Operations located within the City.
(1) Owners of facilities, operations, and activities that recover Organic Waste, including, but not limited to, Compost facilities, in-vessel digestion facilities, and publicly-owned treatment works shall, upon City request, provide information regarding available and potential new or expanded capacity at their facilities, operations, and activities, including information about throughput and permitted capacity necessary for planning purposes. Entities contacted by the City shall respond within 60 days.
(2) Community Composting operators, upon City request, shall provide information to the City to support Organic Waste capacity planning, including, but not limited to, an estimate of the amount of Organic Waste anticipated to be handled at the Community Composting operation. Entities contacted by the City shall respond within 60 days.
(Ord. 1688-NS, eff. December 17, 2021)
(a) Self-Haulers shall source separate all Organic Waste (materials that the City otherwise requires generators to separate for collection in the City's organics recycling collection program) generated on-site from Solid Waste in a manner consistent with 14 CCR Sections 18984.1 and 18984.2.
(b) Self-Haulers shall haul their Source Separated Organic Waste to a Solid Waste facility, operation, activity, or property that processes or recovers Source Separated Organic Waste. Alternatively, Self-Haulers may haul Organic Waste to a High Diversion Organic Waste Processing Facility as specified in 14 CCR Section 18984.3.
(c) Self-Haulers that are Commercial, MFD-C or MXD Service Recipients shall keep a record of the amount of Organic Waste delivered to each Solid Waste facility, operation, activity, or property that processes or recovers Organic Waste; this record shall be provided to City if requested and/or subject to Inspection by the City. The records shall include the following information:
(1) Delivery receipts and weight tickets from the entity accepting the waste.
(2) The amount of material in cubic yards or tons transported by the generator to each entity.
(3) If the material is transported to an entity that does not have scales on-site, or employs scales incapable of weighing the Self-Hauler's vehicle in a manner that allows it to determine the weight of materials received, the Self-Hauler is not required to record the weight of material but shall keep a record of the entities that received the Organic Waste.
(d) A residential Organic Waste Generator that self hauls Organic Waste is not required to record or report information in Section 6-2.808(c).
(Ord. 1688-NS, eff. December 17, 2021)
(a) City representatives and/or designee are authorized to conduct Inspections and investigations, at random or otherwise, of any collection container, collection vehicle loads, or transfer, processing, or disposal facility for materials collected from generators, or Source Separated materials to confirm compliance with this ordinance by Organic Waste Generators, Commercial, MFD-C, MXD, MFD-I and SFD Service Recipients, property owners, Commercial Edible Food Generators, haulers, Self-Haulers, Food Recovery Services, and Food Recovery Organizations, subject to applicable laws. This Section does not allow City to enter a private residential property, or the non-public areas of a commercial property, for Inspection without consent or a warrant.
(b) Service Recipient shall provide or arrange for access during all Inspections (with the exception of residential property interiors) and shall cooperate with the City's employee or its designee during such Inspections and investigations. Such Inspections and investigations may include confirmation of proper placement of materials in containers, Edible Food Recovery activities, records, or any other requirement of this Chapter described herein. Failure to provide or arrange for: (i) access to an entity's premises; or (ii) access to records for any Inspection or investigation is a violation of this Chapter and may result in penalties described.
(c) Any records obtained by the City during its Inspections, and other reviews shall be subject to the requirements and applicable disclosure exemptions of the Public Records Act as set forth in Government Code Section 6250 et seq.
(d) City representatives, and its Designee are authorized to conduct any Inspections, or other investigations as reasonably necessary to further the goals of this Chapter, subject to applicable laws.
(e) The City shall receive written complaints from persons regarding an entity that may be potentially non-compliant with SB 1383 Regulations, including receipt of anonymous complaints.
(Ord. 1688-NS, eff. December 17, 2021)
(a) Violation of any provision of this Chapter shall constitute grounds for issuance of a Notice of Violation and assessment of a fine by City. Enforcement Actions under this ordinance are issuance of an administrative citation and assessment of a fine. The City's procedures on imposition of administrative fines are hereby incorporated in their entirety, as modified from time to time, and shall govern the imposition, enforcement, collection, and review of administrative citations issued to enforce this ordinance and any rule or regulation adopted pursuant to this ordinance, except as otherwise indicated in this ordinance.
(b) Other remedies allowed by law may be used, including civil action or prosecution as misdemeanor or infraction. City may pursue civil actions in the California courts to seek recovery of unpaid administrative citations.
(c) Responsible Entity for Enforcement.
(1) Enforcement pursuant to this ordinance may be undertaken by the City Manager or their designated entity, legal counsel, or combination thereof.
(d) Process for Enforcement.
(1) City Manager and/or their Designee, and/or Contractor, will monitor compliance with the ordinance randomly and through Compliance Reviews, Route Reviews, investigation of complaints, and an Inspection program (that may include Remote Monitoring). Section 6-2.809 establishes the City's right to conduct Inspections and investigations.
(2) Contamination incidences will be dealt with as specified in the Exclusive Franchise Agreement.
(e) Penalty Amounts for Types of Violations. The penalty levels are as follows:
(1) For a first violation, the amount of the base penalty shall be $100 per violation.
(2) For a second violation, the amount of the base penalty shall be $200 per violation.
(3) For a third or subsequent violation, the amount of the base penalty shall be $500 per violation.
(f) Compliance Deadline Extension Considerations. The City may extend the compliance deadlines set forth in a Notice of Violation issued in accordance with this section if it finds that there are extenuating circumstances beyond the control of the respondent that make compliance within the deadlines impracticable, including the following:
(1) Acts of God such as earthquakes, wildfires, flooding, and other emergencies or natural disasters;
(2) Delays in obtaining discretionary permits or other government agency approvals; or,
(3) Deficiencies in Organic Waste recycling infrastructure or Edible Food Recovery capacity and the City is under a corrective action plan with CalRecycle pursuant to 14 CCR Section 18996.2 due to those deficiencies.
(g) Appeals Process. Persons receiving an administrative citation containing a penalty for an uncorrected violation may request a hearing to appeal the citation. A hearing will be held only if it is requested within the time prescribed and consistent with the City's procedures in the Thousand Oaks Municipal Code for appeals of administrative citations. Evidence may be presented at the hearing. The City will appoint a hearing officer who shall conduct the hearing and issue a final written order.
(h) Education Period for Non-Compliance. Beginning January 1, 2022 and through December 31, 2023, The City will conduct Inspections, Remote Monitoring, Route Reviews or waste evaluations, and Compliance Reviews, depending upon the type of regulated entity, to determine compliance, and if the City determines that Organic Waste Generator, Self-Hauler, hauler, Tier One Commercial Edible Food Generator, Food Recovery Organization, Food Recovery Service, or other entity is not in compliance, it shall provide educational materials to the entity describing its obligations under this Chapter and a notice that compliance is required by January 1, 2022, and that violations may be subject to administrative civil penalties starting on January 1, 2024.
(i) Civil Penalties for Non-Compliance. Beginning January 1, 2024, if the City determines that an Organic Waste Generator, Self-Hauler, hauler, Tier One or Tier Two Commercial Edible Food Generator, Food Recovery Organization, Food Recovery Service, or other entity is not in compliance with this Chapter, it shall document the noncompliance or violation, issue a Notice of Violation, and take Enforcement Action pursuant to Section 17, as needed.
(Ord. 1688-NS, eff. December 17, 2021)