Sec. 10-2.1109 Level 6 water supply shortage: water conservation measures.
   (a)   A Level 6 Water Supply Shortage condition is also referred to as an "Emergency" condition. A Level 6 condition shall exist when the City Council declares a critical water shortage emergency and notifies its residents and businesses that a 50 percent or greater reduction in consumer demand is necessary. Upon the declaration by the City Council of a Level 6 Water Supply Shortage condition, the City will implement mandatory Level 6 conservation measures identified in this section.
   (b)   Level 6 Conservation Measures: In addition to the permanent conservation requirements identified in Sec. 10-2.1104, the following water conservation requirements shall apply during a declared Level 6 Water Supply Shortage:
   (1)   Limits on Watering Days. Outside watering with potable water is prohibited.
   (2)   Obligation to Fix Leaks, Breaks, or Malfunctions: Excessive use, loss, or release of water through breaks, leaks, or other malfunctions in the water user's plumbing, irrigation, or distribution system for any period of time after such release of water should have reasonably been discovered and corrected and, in no event more than 24 hours of receiving notice from the City, is prohibited
   (3)   No potable water use in Ornamental Lakes, Ponds, or Running-water Features: Running-water features using potable water must be turned off. Topping up, filling or re-filling of ornamental water features with potable water is prohibited.
   (4)   Limits on Washing Vehicles: All vehicle washing is prohibited.
   (5)   Swimming Pools and Spas: No pool permits will be issued, and filling of pools, ponds, or water features is prohibited.
   (6)   Dust suppression: Dust suppression for fugitive dust that is subject to Ventura County Air Pollution Control District Rule 55 shall not employ potable water during the drought.
   (7)   Water Misters: Use of water misters is prohibited.
   (8)   Showering at gyms and athletic facilities: Showers at gyms and athletic facilities shall be closed with a barricade and sign informing members that showering is prohibited.
   (9)   No New Potable Water Service: Except for the resetting or turn-on of meters to provide continuation of water service or the restoration of service that has been interrupted for one year or less, no new potable water service will be provided, no new temporary meters or permanent meters will be provided, and no statements of immediate ability to serve or provide potable water service (such as will-serve letters, certificates, or letters of availability) will be issued, except under the following circumstances:
   The project is necessary to protect the public health, safety, and welfare; or
   The applicant provides substantial evidence of an enforceable commitment that future water demands for the project will be offset (i.e., net zero water use).
   (10)   Construction meters. The Public Works Director may recall previously issued temporary construction meters.
   (c)   A stay on code enforcement actions against brown or dead lawns will be in effect for the duration of the Level 6 Water Supply Shortage, not exempting the requirements for the removal of vegetation presenting a fire hazard and weed removal.
   (d)   Re-landscaping of dead or brown lawns including those in HOA properties, and landscaping required under development permit conditions but delayed as a result of the drought, shall be granted a grace period of six months after the Level 6 Water Supply Shortage is declared over to install landscaping.
(§ 2, Ord. 1705-NS, eff. November 25, 2022)