No person shall perform any work, either on such person's own property or on the property of another, for which a permit is required by this article unless such person is in possession of a valid license appropriate to such work which has been issued in accordance with the Contractors' State License Law (Chapter 9, commencing with Section 7000, of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) and is registered with the City to perform work permitted by this article. Licensed water well contractors (Class C-57) registered with the City may perform all types of permitted work, while licensed engineering contractors (Class A) and limited specialty contractors (Class C-61) registered with the City may only perform the work permitted by their license. An application for registration with the City shall include a copy of the applicable license and a copy of a certificate of workers compensation insurance. The registration shall expire automatically on the expiration date indicated on the copy of the license or the expiration date indicated on the copy of the certificate of workers' compensation insurance submitted with the application, whichever expiration date is earlier.
(Part 2, Ord. 1613-NS, eff. April 22, 2016)