Sec. 10-2.508. Easements.
   The property owner shall be responsible for maintaining public easements within their property such that the City has access at all times. No permanent improvements such as buildings, block walls, iron fences, large trees and shrubs and the like shall be placed over the easement without prior written approval from the City. Where the City must perform maintenance and/or construction activity within the easement, it shall not be responsible for replacing said permanent facilities or other structures prohibited by this section.
(Ord. 1516-NS, eff. June 5, 2009)
Sec. 10-2.509. Customer piping responsibilities.
   (a)   All piping and appurtenances installed by the customer on his premises shall remain the property of the customer and the maintenance and care thereof his sole responsibility. The City's control and responsibility shall end at the customer's side of the meter. The City shall in no case be liable for damages caused by, or in any way arising out of, the running or escape of water from open faucets, burst pipes, or faulty fixtures on the premises.
   (b)   Every service connection shall be equipped with a control valve on the inlet side of the meter (City side) which valve may not be used by the customer when it becomes necessary to shut off the water supply to the entire premises. Standards normally require a customer hand valve within the meter box which is on the customer side of the meter and can be shut off by the customer. Upon request, for emergency purposes, the City may, without charge, shut off its control valve with the understanding that the City or other authorized person will turn on the water after repairs have been made.
   (c)   The customer shall be responsible for the cost of repairing and/or changing any meter damaged by hot water or steam emanating from or about the premises.
(Ord. 1516-NS, eff. June 5, 2009)
Sec. 10-2.510. Conditions affecting the purity and potability of water.
   If or when the City ascertains that a condition affecting the purity and potability of the water supply of the City exists in, on, or about any building, grounds or premises in violation of any health law, rule, and regulation of the State, or any health ordinance or the code of the County, or any law, or rule, or regulation of the City, the City shall;
   (a)   Immediately notify the person owning and/or controlling such building, grounds or premises of the existence of such condition; and
   (b)   Require such person to comply within a reasonable time (as stated in such notice) with any such law, ordinance, code, rule or regulation.
   (c)   Depending upon the nature and severity of the problem, the City may require that service be discontinued immediately and that it not be restored until acceptable compliance is demonstrated by the customer.
(Ord. 1516-NS, eff. June 5, 2009)
Sec. 10-2.511. Cross connection and backflow prevention.
   This subject is covered under Article 6.
(Ord. 1516-NS, eff. June 5, 2009)