Sec. 10-2.105. Application and use of design and construction standards.
   All water transmission, distribution and related facilities shall be designed and constructed in complete conformity with the Water Design and Construction Standards and approved plans and specifications (as appropriate). These standards are adopted by Council action and cover such topics as: design criteria, materials, plan preparation, administrative requirements, construction, testing and disinfection, certain aspects of cross connection and backflow prevention, reservoirs and pumping stations, and wells. All engineers designing water facilities and contractors constructing such facilities shall have obtained the Water Design and Construction Standards prior to their activities.
   Water facilities not covered by the Water Design and Construction Standards shall be designed and constructed in conformity with all applicable requirements and standards of governmental agencies having jurisdiction within the City's service area.
   The Water Design and Construction Standards may be revised with such revisions being adopted by the City Council via a resolution. Copies of the standards are available for purchase in the office of the Public Works Department.
(Ord. 1516-NS, eff. June 5, 2009)