§ 150.999 PENALTY.
   (A)   Any person violating any provision of this chapter, for which no other penalty is provided, shall be subject to the penalty provisions of § 10.99.
   (B)   (1)   Except as otherwise provided in §§ 150.001 through 150.008, if any person shall violate any of the provisions of §§ 150.001 through 150.008, or shall do any act prohibited herein, or shall fail to perform any duty lawfully enjoined, within the time prescribed by the Building Inspector, or shall fail, neglect, or refuse to obey any lawful order given by the Building Inspector in connection with the provisions of §§ 150.001 through 150.008 for each such violation, failure, or refusal, such person shall be fined in any sum as determined from time to time by the Town Council.
      (2)   Each day of such unlawful activity as is prohibited by the first sentence of this division (B) shall constitute a separate offense.
(1995 Code, § 5-30)
   (C)   (1)   If any person, firm, or corporation shall violate any of the provisions of §§ 150.065 through 150.071 or shall do any act prohibited herein, or shall fail to perform any duty lawfully ordered, within the time prescribed by the Building Inspector, or shall fail, neglect, or refuse to obey any lawful order given by the Building Inspector in connection with the provisions of this Code for each such violation, failure, or refusal, such person, firm, or corporation shall be subject to a civil penalty for each violation in an amount not more than $2,500.
      (2)   Each day of such unlawful activity as is prohibited by the first sentence of this division (C) shall constitute a separate offense.
   (D)   Any person erecting, building, or maintaining any structure or building within the town in violation of the provision of §§ 150.105 through 150.107 is guilty of maintaining a nuisance and, upon conviction, shall be fined an amount as set from time to time by the Town Council, and such nuisance shall be ordered abated as part of the punishment therefor, and the cost of the prosecution shall be judged against the defendant.
(1995 Code, § 5-149)
   (E)   The failure to obtain a building permit pursuant to §§ 150.120 through 150.123 shall result in a fine in such amount as set from time to time by the Town Council, to which may be added the costs of prosecution.
(1995 Code, § 5-175)
   (F)   Violations of §§ 150.140 through 150.144 shall be addressed as established in I.C. 36-7-9 et seq. as it may be amended from time to time.
(Ord. 1984-10, passed 8-23-1984; Ord. 1988-2, passed 5-4-1988; Ord. 2007-2, passed 5-21-2007; Ord. 2018-1, passed 2-19-2018; Ord. 2020-3, passed 2-17-2020)
   Schedule of fees and fines, see § 10.25