Any applicant under this subchapter shall have the right to appeal from the adverse decision of the Building Official, the appeal to be perfected by giving notice in writing of his or her decision, addressed to the City Commission, and mailed or personally delivered to the City Secretary within a period of ten days following receipt of the written notice of the adverse decision of the Building Official.
(1998 Code, § 22-547)
The City Secretary shall receive the notice of appeal as provided in § 122.26 of this chapter and place the matter before the City Commission at its next regular meeting, at which time the applicant shall have a full hearing. The City Commission shall either sustain the action of the Building Official or it shall reverse him or her and order the issuance of a permit, setting the amount of the bond to be required of the applicant, as set forth in this subchapter, but in no event to exceed the sum of $50,000. If the City Commission sustains the action of the Building Official, no permit shall be issued and the action of the City Commission shall be final; provided, however, the applicant shall have the right to bring suit in a court of competent jurisdiction to complain of the action of the City Commission only if the suit is brought within 15 days from the date of the action of the City Commission.
(1998 Code, § 22-548)
(A) A permit issued under the provisions of this subchapter shall be in the form and contain such information as the City Commission may require; provided that, each permit, whether expressly stated therein or not, shall be issued on the condition that the permit holder will pay all damage done directly or indirectly to any city street, alley or way or any other public or private property.
(B) Before issuance of the permit, the applicant shall be required in writing to agree to the following.
(1) After moving, the applicant shall bring the structure into compliance with the applicable provisions of the Building Code adopted in this chapter within 120 days.
(2) In the event of failure to bring the structure into compliance with the Building Code adopted in this chapter as provided in division (B)(1) above within the required period of time, the applicant shall remove the structure from the property at his or her expense within 30 days following the expiration of the period of time.
(3) In the event of failure to comply with the provisions of division (B)(2) above, the city may remove the structure at the applicant’s expense.
(C) The Building Official shall prepare the necessary forms to implement all provisions of this chapter.
(1998 Code, § 22-549)
The application for a permit to move a building on, over or across city streets, alleys or railroads shall include a statement of the time required for the movement. The granting of a moving permit shall be predicated upon this length of time, and movement shall be in conformance with the stated time, subject to acts of God, disaster or civil disturbance.
(1998 Code, § 22-550)
It shall be unlawful for any person securing a permit under the provisions of this subchapter to lend, rent or transfer the permit, or for any other person to make use of the permit.
(1998 Code, § 22-551) Penalty, see § 10.99