General Provisions
121.01 Definitions
121.02 Conformance to plans and specifications
121.15 Required
121.16 Application
121.17 Fees
121.18 Insurance; surety bond
121.19 Issuance
121.20 Revocation
121.35 Registration of pipelines; exemptions
121.36 Signs on pipeline right-of-way
121.37 Unauthorized operation of or tampering with shutoff valves
121.38 Unauthorized excavation or other activities in pipeline right-of-way
121.39 Annual fees
121.99 Penalty
For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
COMMODITY. Any substance capable of being transmitted through a pipeline which is, or may become, flammable, toxic or otherwise hazardous to human, animal or plant health or life.
PIPELINE. A line or lines of pipe with pumps, valves and control devices for conveying a commodity and operated as a single unit under normal operating conditions.
SHUTOFF VALVE. Any device installed in a pipeline and used to stop the conveyance of a commodity through a pipeline.
(1998 Code, § 50-151) (Ord. 01-55, passed 12-5-2001)
(A) All work done pursuant to a permit issued under the provisions of this chapter shall be in strict conformance with and shall be limited to plans and specifications therefor filed with the Director of Transportation and Planning.
(B) All excavations will be permitted and performed as required in this chapter.
(1998 Code, § 50-153) (Ord. 13-23, passed 8-7-2013)
It shall be unlawful for any person to construct, reconstruct, alter, repair, extend or lay any pipeline within the city without first having obtained from the Director of Transportation and Planning a permit to do so; except that, in a bona fide emergency, repairs and alterations may be started and the application for a permit will be made as soon as practical.
(1998 Code, § 50-171) (Ord. 13-23, passed 8-7-2013) Penalty, see § 121.99
(A) Any person desiring a permit required by the provisions of this subchapter shall make application therefor to the Director of Transportation and Planning.
(B) The application shall be in writing and shall contain the following:
(1) The name and address of the applicant;
(2) Plans and specifications for the work to be done;
(3) All information required under § 121.35 of this chapter; and
(4) Any other information as the Director of Transportation and Planning shall require.
(1998 Code, § 50-172) (Ord. 13-23, passed 8-7-2013)
Before any permit shall be issued under the provisions of this subchapter, the applicant therefor shall pay to the Director of Transportation the following fees:
(A) Permit application fee: $2,000, and an additional permit fee; and
(B) For each street or drainage ditch crossing: $500.
(C) The City Commission, by ordinance, reserves the right to change the fees set out in this section. The current fees under this section, after approval by the Commission, are posted at the City Hall Annex, 928 5th Avenue North.
(1998 Code, § 50-173) (Ord. 01-55, passed 12-5-2001; Ord. 13-23, passed 8-7-2013)