   Tow truck drivers shall notify the TCPD officer (dispatcher) prior to their attempt to repossess or remove private property tows. The notification shall consist of the tow truck driver’s name, company name and phone number, location from which the vehicle will be removed, and the vehicle description (year, make, model, color, license plate number and state of issuance). Upon leaving the scene, the tow truck driver shall immediately notify the TCPD dispatcher whether the pick-up was successful or not successful.
(Ord. 16-01, passed 2-17-2016)
§ 112.35 DEFINITION.
   For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definition shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   BUS SERVICE. Any use of any street in the city by any automobile, tour vehicle, motor bus, truck or other trackless vehicle, which is held out or announced by sign, voice, writing device, advertisement or otherwise to be run or operated to and from any particular or designated termini, zones or territories, or over any particular or designated route or line of travel, for the carriage of passengers for hire or for a gratuity or donation, however the gratuity or donation may be received. BUS SERVICE is distinguished from taxicab service in that bus service operates over fixed routes or between fixed termini and passengers do not direct the route of travel.
(1998 Code, § 126-311) (Ord. 93-74, passed 1-19-1994)
   It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a bus service in the city without having first obtained either a franchise granted by the City Commission pursuant to Art. XVII of the Charter or a license granted pursuant to the provisions of this subchapter. This subchapter shall not apply to any person who operates a bus service pursuant to franchise, nor shall it apply to any person operating a bus service directly for the city pursuant to contract.
(1998 Code, § 126-312) (Ord. 93-74, passed 1-19-1994) Penalty, see § 10.99
   (A)   Application. Any person desiring to engage in bus service in the city shall make application to the Chief of Police or his or her designated director for a license pursuant to this subchapter, and such application shall contain the following information:
      (1)   Name, business and residence address of the applicant;
      (2)   Make, style and/or other description of the vehicles to be used, including the state motor vehicle license tag number, if any; and
      (3)   Routes over which vehicles will run, and their termini.
   (B)   Fee. A non-refundable application fee of $150 shall accompany the application. An annual permit can be renewed if qualifications are met and $150 renewal fee paid. The holder of an annual permit shall pay the city a permit fee of $100 a year for each bus authorized by the permit. The City Commission shall periodically by acclamation or other order, at its discretion, set annual license fees which shall be paid by each licensee or applicant for a license, including the times for payment and method of collecting and accounting for such fees.
   (C)   Issuance. Upon presentation of such application and after investigation of such application, if in the exercise of good discretion the interests of the public so require, the Chief of Police or his or her designated director may grant the applicant a license to conduct a bus service in the city as authorized by this subchapter.
   (D)   Privileges granted by license. Upon issuance of the license, it shall be lawful for the person named in the license to operate, in accordance with the terms thereof, such vehicle in a bus service unless such license has expired or is suspended or revoked.
   (E)   Term; transfer. All licenses granted under this subchapter shall be valid for one year from date of issue, unless suspended or revoked sooner. No license granted under the terms of this subchapter shall be transferable.
   (F)   Driver qualifications. Drivers must meet the qualifications as set out in § 113.056 below.
(1998 Code, § 126-313) (Ord. 93-74, passed 1-19-1994; Ord. 13-16, passed 6-19-2003)
   (A)   Reasons. The permit granted under this subchapter is a privilege and not a right under the law, and the city may suspend or revoke any license or permit issued by the Chief of Police or his or her designated director under this subchapter for any one or more of the following reasons:
      (1)   Non-compliance. A failure to comply with the regulations pertaining to such business as established by this subchapter;
      (2)   Inefficient and unsafe service. A failure to give efficient service or to protect the safety of passengers and the public in accordance with the laws of the state and the ordinances of the city;
      (3)   Violation of penal law. Violation of any penal law of the United States, any law of the state or any ordinance of the city by the licensee or any person operating a vehicle in a bus service for the licensee; and
      (4)   Failure to maintain insurance or safe vehicles. Failure to maintain insurance required by this subchapter, or maintaining vehicles which do not pass safety inspections.
   (B)   Hearing. No license granted under the terms of this subchapter shall be revoked, except after a hearing at which the licensee shall have an opportunity to be heard.
   (C)   Appeals. The licensee shall have the right to appeal to the Chief Executive Officer from any order of revocation or suspension by the Chief of Police or his or her designated director. Until such appeal is acted on by the Chief Executive Officer, such suspension or revocation shall remain in effect. During the period of such suspension or after such revocation, it shall be unlawful for such person to operate any vehicle in a bus service unless and until the suspension is removed or a new license is granted, with the exception as stated in § 112.39 of this chapter.
(1998 Code, § 126-314) (Ord. 93-74, passed 1-19-1994; Ord. 13-16, passed 6-19-2003) Penalty, see § 10.99
§ 112.39 INSURANCE.
   Every licensee holding a license to operate a bus service pursuant to the provisions of this subchapter shall maintain in full force and effect at all times a policy, naming the city as additional insured, of public liability and property damage insurance, covering each vehicle so used, in an amount not less than $250,000 for injury to or death of one person, $500,000 per occurrence and $100,000 for damage or destruction of property. The licensee shall furnish proof of such coverage by filing with the City Secretary a valid certificate of insurance or, in lieu thereof, a true multiple original of any such policy. The policy shall contain a clause requiring that 30-days’ notice be given to the city prior to cancellation. If such notice of cancellation is given by the insurance company, the licensee shall obtain new insurance before the expiration of the 30-day period; if the licensee fails to do so his or her license may be revoked after a hearing as provided for in § 112.38(B) of this chapter.
(1998 Code, § 126-315) (Ord. 93-74, passed 1-19-1994)
§ 112.40 ROUTES.
   The Director of Transportation and Planning shall fix the routes of travel between and over which vehicles in a bus service shall run or apply their business, and it shall be unlawful for any licensee to operate a bus service over any routes not approved by the Director of Transportation and Planning.
(1998 Code, § 126-316) (Ord. 93-74, passed 1-19-1994; Ord. 13-16, passed 6-19-2003) Penalty, see § 10.99
   (A)   The driver shall lawfully hold an operator’s license to operate a bus.
   (B)   There shall be displayed at all times, in the interior of the bus, a framed, glass-covered photograph of the driver driving the bus, plainly showing the driver’s features, name and driver’s license number.
(1998 Code, § 126-317) (Ord. 93-74, passed 1-19-1994) Penalty, see § 10.99
   (A)   It shall be unlawful to transport alcoholic beverages, not owned and in the exclusive possession and control of a fare-paying passenger, in the bus, or for any bus driver to have on his or her possession any alcoholic beverages while driving and/or operating while in service.
   (B)   It shall be unlawful for any driver and/or passenger of any bus to drink any type of alcoholic beverages while inside the bus.
(1998 Code, § 126-318) (Ord. 93-74, passed 1-19-1994) Penalty, see § 10.99
   (A)   The vehicle shall have the bus name and the city license number posted on the side. The Chief of Police or his or her designated director shall have the authority to promulgate rules and regulations requiring periodic safety inspection of all vehicles used in a bus service, and no licensee shall be authorized to operate any such vehicle unless it satisfactorily passes such inspection.
   (B)   The vehicle interior and exterior shall remain in a clean and orderly condition at all times.
(1998 Code, § 126-319) (Ord. 93-74, passed 1-19-1994; Ord. 13-16, passed 6-19-2003) Penalty, see § 10.99
§ 112.44 APPEALS.
   An aggrieved licensee shall have the right to appeal the reasonableness of any decision, rule or regulation of the Chief of Police or his or her designated director in the same manner as set forth in § 112.38(C) of this chapter, but pendency of any appeal shall not stay the effectiveness of any such decision, rule or regulation.
(1998 Code, § 126-321) (Ord. 93-74, passed 1-19-1994; Ord. 13-16, passed 6-19-2003)