(A) Discharges requiring a trap include:
(1) Grease or waste containing grease in excessive amounts;
(2) Oil;
(3) Sand;
(4) Flammable wastes; and
(5) Other harmful ingredients.
(B) Any person responsible for discharges requiring a trap shall, at his or her own expense and as required by the approving authority:
(1) Provide equipment and facilities of a type and capacity approved by the approving authority;
(2) Locate the trap in a manner that provides ready and easy accessibility for cleaning and inspection; and
(3) Maintain the trap in effective operating condition.
(1998 Code, § 122-73) (Ord. 08-46, passed 11-19-2008)
Any person responsible for discharges through a building sewer carrying industrial wastes shall, at his or her own expense and as required by the approving authority:
(A) Install an accessible and safely located control manhole;
(B) Install meters and other appurtenances to facilitate observation, sampling and measurement of the waste; and
(C) Maintain the equipment and facilities.
(1998 Code, § 122-74)
(A) (1) Sampling shall be conducted according to customarily accepted methods, reflecting the effect of constituents upon the sewage works and determining the existence of hazards to health, life, limb and property. The particular analyses involved will determine whether a 24-hour composite sample from outfalls of the premises is appropriate or whether grab samples should be taken.
(2) Normally, but not always, BOD and TSS analyses are obtained from 24-hour composites of all outfalls.
(3) Where applicable, a 16-hour period, eight-hour period or some other period may be required. Periodic grab samples are used to determine pH.
(B) Examination and analyses of the characteristics of waters and wastes required by this subchapter shall be:
(1) Conducted in accordance with the latest edition of Standard Methods; and
(2) Determined from suitable samples taken at the control manhole provided or other control point authorized by the approving authority.
(C) BOD and TSS shall be determined from composite sampling.
(D) The city may select an independent firm or laboratory to determine flow, BOD and suspended solids.
(E) The city is entitled to select the time of sampling at its sole discretion so long as at least annual samples are taken.
(1998 Code, § 122-75)
(A) Persons making discharges of industrial waste shall pay a charge to cover the cost of collection and treatment.
(B) When discharges of industrial waste are approved by the approving authority, the city or its authorized representative shall enter into an agreement or arrangement providing:
(1) Terms of acceptance by the city; and
(2) Payment by the person making the discharge.
(1998 Code, § 122-76)
A person discharging industrial wastes into public sewers prior to the effective date of Ord. 73-23 may continue without penalty so long as he or she:
(A) Does not increase the quantity or quality of discharge without permission of the approving authority;
(B) Had discharged the industrial waste at least six months prior to the effective date of the ordinance; and
(C) Applied for and was granted a permit no later than 150 days after the effective date of the ordinance.
(1998 Code, § 122-77)
(A) The city may grant a permit to discharge to persons meeting all requirements of § 51.41 of this chapter; provided that, the person:
(1) Submitted an application within 120 days after the effective date of Ord. 73-23 on forms supplied by the approving authority;
(2) Secured approval by the approving authority of plans and specifications for pretreatment facilities when required;
(3) Complied with all requirements for agreements or arrangements, including, but not limited to, provisions for:
(a) Payment of charges;
(b) Installation and operation of pretreatment facilities; and
(c) Sampling and analysis to determine quantity and strength.
(4) Provides a sampling point subject to the provisions of this subchapter and approval of the approving authority.
(B) A person applying for a new discharge shall:
(1) Meet all conditions of division (A) above; and
(2) Secure a permit prior to discharging any waste.
(1998 Code, § 122-78)