The following required off street parking spaces for the particular use are minimum requirements:
Parking Spaces Required
Parking Spaces Required
Banks, savings and loan, drive up
5 stacking spaces per teller window, plus employee parking
Banks, savings and loan, walk in
1 space per 300 square feet of floor area
Beauty and barber shops
2 spaces per chair plus employee parking
Boarding and/or rooming house
2 spaces for each rental unit
Churches, clubs, lodges
1 space for every 4 seats in the largest seating area
Dwelling, single-family
2 for each dwelling unit on a single lot
Dwelling, two-family or multiple-family
2 for each dwelling unit
Furniture and appliance store
1 space per 500 square feet of floor area
Home occupations
1 space per 150 square feet of floor area devoted to the home occupation (not to exceed 2 spaces) in addition to the parking requirement for the dwelling
1 space per 2 beds, plus employee parking
1 for each 250 square feet of gross floor space
Medical and dental offices
1 space per 200 square feet of floor area, or 2 spaces per practicing professional, whichever is greater
Mobile homes including those in mobile home parks
2 spaces per mobile home
Mortuaries, funeral homes
1 space per 5 seats, plus 1 space per funeral vehicle, but not less than 20 spaces per chapel
1 for each guestroom
Nursery school, day nursery or childcare center
1 for each 350 square feet of usable floor space
Nursing homes, homes for the aged, group care homes
1 for each 5 beds
Restaurants, drive in or walk up
1 space per 25 square feet of building floor area
Restaurants, sit down
1 space per 4 seats or 1 space per 50 square feet of floor area, whichever is greater
Schools, elementary and junior high
1 for each teacher, employee or administrator and 1 space for each 10 students in addition to the requirements of the auditorium
Schools, senior high
1 space for every 2 students of driving age, plus faculty parking in addition to the requirements of the auditorium
Service station and auto repair shops
1 space per service stall plus employee parking
Stadium, sports arena or similar place of outdoor assembly
1 for each 3 seats or 6 feet of benches
Taverns and bars
1 space per 4 seats, or 1 space per 50 square feet of floor area, whichever is greater
Theater and auditorium
1 for each 4 seats plus 1 for each 2 employees
Theaters and meeting halls
1 space per 4 seats in the largest seating area
Vehicles sales (including auto, boat and trailer sales)
1 space per 600 square feet of enclosed floor area, plus 1 space per 2,500 square feet of open lot area
All other uses not specifically indicated above
1 space per 300 square feet of floor area
There will be no minimum requirements within the nine (9) square block area bordered by Walnut Street on the east, Vine Street on the north, Webster Street on the west and Franklin Street on the south.
Off street parking areas shall be drained so as to dispose of all surface water accumulated in the parking area in such a way as to preclude drainage of water onto adjacent property or toward buildings.
All lighting used to illuminate any off street parking area shall be so installed as to be confined within and directed onto the parking area only. (Ord. 3458, 4-5-2010)