No person shall ride, drive, or operate any dirt bike off any roadway located within, adjacent to, at, or near city lake property. Notwithstanding the foregoing, all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) and utility terrain vehicles (UTVs) shall be allowed on the following described property:
The East 42 acres of the Northwest Quarter of Section 36, and all that part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 36 lying North of the North right of way line of West Lakeshore Drive, West of the West right of way line of the Lincoln Trail bike path (former B&O Railroad right of way), all in Township 13 North, Range 2 West of the Third Principal Meridian, Taylorville, Christian County, Illinois.
Operation of ATVs and UTVs on the aforementioned described real estate shall only be allowed for preparing for IDNR sanctioned, scheduled events as set forth in section 7-5-7 of this title, during said IDNR sanctioned, scheduled events, and cleanup after said IDNR scheduled events. (Ord. 3438, 8-3-2009)