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Taylorsville Overview
Taylorsville, NC Code of Ordinances
   If the land to be subdivided meets the requirements of a minor subdivision as defined in § 150.17(B) above, the subdivider will not have to follow the same procedures as for a major subdivision. The review process for minor subdivisions shall be adequate to protect the public interest, but shall also provide minimum delay and expense to the subdivider. A preliminary plat is required. The following minor plat approval process may be used only where the subdivision meets the requirements of § 150.17(B) above.
(Ord. 01-2000, passed 6-27-00)
   (A)   Prior to submission of a final plat, the subdivider shall submit to the Subdivision Administrator three copies of a sketch plan of the proposed subdivision containing the following information:
      (1)   A sketch vicinity map showing the location of the subdivision in relation to neighboring tracts, subdivisions, roads, and waterways;
      (2)   The boundaries of the tract and the portion of the tract to be subdivided;
      (3)   The total acreage to be subdivided;
      (4)   The existing and proposed uses of the land within the subdivision and the existing uses of land adjoining it;
      (5)   The existing street layout and right-of-way width, lot layout and size of lots;
      (6)   The name, address and telephone number of the owner;
      (7)   The name, if any, of the proposed subdivision;
      (8)   Streets and lots of adjacent developed or platted properties;
      (9)   The zoning classification of the tract and of adjacent properties;
      (10)   The location of water and sewer facilities serving the proposed minor subdivision, if applicable;
      (11)   A statement from the Alexander County Health Department that a copy of the sketch plan has been submitted to them, if septic tanks or other on-site water or wastewater systems are to be used in the subdivision.
   (B)   The Subdivision Administrator shall review the sketch plan for general compliance with the requirements of this article, and shall advise the subdivider or his authorized agent of the regulations pertaining to the proposed minor subdivision and the procedures to be followed in the preparation and submission of the final plat.
   (C)   The Subdivision Administrator, after determining that all requirements of this article have been met, shall advise the subdivider to proceed with the preparation of a final plat, which conforms to the submitted sketch plan. The approval of the sketch plan shall in no way be construed as constituting official approval of the final plat.
(Ord. 01-2000, passed 6-27-00)
   In the event that the subdivider disagrees with any findings of the Subdivision Administrator concerning approval of a sketch plan of a minor subdivision, the matter shall be taken to the Town Commissioners for a decision. No final plat shall be prepared until the Town Commissioners have acted on the disputed sketch plan.
(Ord. 01-2000, passed 6-27-00)
   (A)   The Subdivision Administrator shall review the final plat for complete compliance with the requirements outlined for final plat approval of these minor subdivision regulations. The final plat shall be complete and show all information required for final plats in § 150.25, and all certifications and notarizations required in § 150.22 for final plat approval of a minor subdivision.
   (B)   The final plat shall be prepared by a Registered Land Surveyor currently licensed and registered in the State of North Carolina by the North Carolina State Board of Registration for professional Engineers and Land Surveyors. The final plat shall conform to the provisions for plats, subdivisions, and mapping requirements set forth in G.S. § 47-30 and the Manual of Practice for Land Surveying in North Carolina.
   (C)   Three copies of the final plat shall be submitted to the Subdivision Administrator. One of these shall be on reproducible material; two shall be black or blue line paper prints. Material and drawing medium for the original shall be in accordance with the Manual of Practice for Land Surveying in North Carolina, where applicable, and the requirements of the Alexander County Register of Deeds.
   (D)   The final plat shall be of a size suitable for recording with the Alexander County Register of Deeds and shall be at a scale of not less than one inch equals 200 feet. Maps may be placed on more than one sheet with appropriate match lines.
(Ord. 01-2000, passed 6-27-00)
   (A)   The final plat shall meet the specifications in § 150.25. The following signed certificates shall appear on all three copies of the final plat:
      (1)   Certificate of ownership and dedication.
   I hereby certify that I am the owner of the property shown and described hereon, which is located in the subdivision jurisdiction of the Town of Taylorsville and that I hereby adopt this plan of subdivision with my free consent and establish minimum building setback lines as noted.
   Owner                                Date
      (2) Certificate of survey and accuracy. In accordance with the Manual of Practice for Land Surveying in North Carolina:
   On the face of each map prepared for recordation there shall appear a certificate acknowledged before an officer authorized to take acknowledgments and executed by the person making the survey or map including deeds and any recorded data shown thereon. The certificate shall include a statement of error of closure calculated by latitudes and departures. Any lines on the map which were not actually surveyed must be clearly indicated on the map and a statement included in the certificate revealing the source of information. The certificate shall take the following general form:
State of North Carolina   Alexander County
   I,                                       certify that this map was (drawn by me) (drawn under my supervision) from (an actual survey made by me) (an actual survey made under my supervision) (deed description recorded in Book               , Page                , Book                , Page                , etc.) (Other); that the ratio of precision as calculated by latitudes and departures is 1:          , (that the boundaries not surveyed are shown as broken lines plotted from information found in Book              , Page             ); that this map was prepared in accordance with G.S. § 47-30, as amended.
Witness my hand and seal this               day of                      , 20       .
Registered Land Surveyor
Official Seal
Registration Number
      (3)   Review Officer certification.
North Carolina   Alexander County
   I,                                         , Review Officer of Alexander County, certify that the map or plat to which this certification is affixed meets all statutory requirements for recording.
   Review Officer                                 Date
   (B)   During its review of the final plat, the Subdivision Administrator may appoint an engineer or surveyor to confirm the accuracy of the final plat (if agreed to by the Town Manager). If substantial errors are found, the costs shall be charged to the subdivider and the plat shall not be recommended for approval until such errors have been corrected.
   (C)   If the Subdivision Administrator finds that the minor subdivision final plat is in full compliance with the requirements of this article, he may then present the final plat to the Town Manager for the following certification:
   I hereby certify that the minor subdivision plat hereon has been found to comply with the minor subdivision regulations for the Town of Taylorsville and is hereby approved for recording in the office of the Register of Deeds by the subdivider within ninety (90) days of the date of this approval.
   Town Manager                                    Date
   (D)   If the Subdivision Administrator recommends disapproval of the final plat, he shall instruct the subdivider concerning resubmission of a revised plat and the subdivider may make such changes as will bring the plat into compliance with the provisions of this article and resubmit same for reconsideration by the Subdivision Administrator, or appeal to the Town Commissioners. If the subdivider appeals to the Town Commissioners, the Town Commissioners shall review and approve or disapprove the final plat within 30 days after they receive the plat and recommendations of the Subdivision Administrator.
(Ord. 01-2000, passed 6-27-00)
   (A)   Prior to the preliminary plat submission, the subdivider may submit to the Subdivision Administrator two copies of a sketch plan of the proposed subdivision containing the following information:
      (1)   A sketch vicinity map showing the location of the subdivision in relation to neighboring tracts, subdivisions, roads, and waterways;
      (2)   The boundaries of the tract and the portion of the tract to be subdivided;
      (3)   The total acreage to be subdivided;
      (4)   The existing and proposed uses of the land within the subdivision and the existing uses of land adjoining it;
      (5)   The existing street layout and right-of-way width, lot layout and size of lots;
      (6)   The name, address and telephone number of the owner;
      (7)   The name, if any, of the proposed subdivision;
      (8)   Streets and lots of adjacent developed or platted properties;
      (9)   The zoning classification of the tract and of adjacent properties;
      (10)   The location of water and sewer facilities serving the proposed minor subdivision, if applicable; and
      (11)   A statement from the Alexander County Health Department that a copy of the sketch plan has been submitted to them, if septic tanks or other on-site water or wastewater systems are to be used in the subdivision.
(Ord. 01-200, passed 6-27-00)
   (A)   For every subdivision within the territorial jurisdiction established by § 150.03 of this chapter, which does not qualify as a minor subdivision, the subdivider shall submit a preliminary plat which shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Board before any construction or installation of improvements may begin.
   (B)   Eight copies of the preliminary plat (as well as any additional copies which the Subdivision Administrator determines are needed to be sent to other agencies) shall be submitted to the Subdivision Administrator at least 20 days prior to the Planning Board meeting at which the subdivider desires the Planning Board to review the preliminary plat.
   (C)   Preliminary plats shall meet the specifications in § 150.25.
   (D)   After having received the preliminary plat from the subdivider, the Subdivision Administrator shall submit copies of the preliminary plat and any accompanying material to other officials and agencies concerned with new development including, but not limited to:
      (1)   The district highway engineer as to proposed streets, highways, and drainage systems (required if new streets are to be placed on the State System);
      (2)   The county health director as to proposed water or sewerage systems (required if subdivision is in the extraterritorial jurisdiction);
      (3)   Any other agency or official designated by the Planning Board or town official.
   (E)   The Planning Board shall review the preliminary plat at or before its next regularly scheduled meeting which follows at least 20 days after the Subdivision Administrator receives the preliminary plat and the comments from the appropriate agencies.
   (F)   The Planning Board shall, in writing, recommend approval, conditional approval with recommended changes to bring the plat into compliance, or disapproval with reasons within 20 days of its first consideration of the plat.
   (G)   If the Planning Board recommends approval of the preliminary plat, it shall retain one copy of the plat for its minutes, and transmit two copies of the plat to the Town Commissioners with its recommendation.
   (H)   If the Planning Board recommends conditional approval of the preliminary plat, it shall keep one copy of the plat for its minutes, transmit two copies of the plat and its recommendation to the Town Commissioners, and return the remaining copies of the plat and its recommendation to the subdivider.
   (I)   If the Planning Board recommends disapproval of the preliminary plat, it shall retain one copy of the plat for its minutes, transmit two copies of the plat and its recommendation to the Town Commissioners, and return the remaining copy of the plat and its recommendation to the subdivider.
   (J)   If the preliminary plat is disapproved, the subdivider may make the recommended changes and submit a revised preliminary plat, or appeal the decision to the Town Commissioners.
   (K)   If the Planning Board does not make a written recommendation within 40 days after its first consideration of the plat, the subdivider may apply to the Town Commissioners for approval or disapproval.
   (L)   If the subdivider appeals the decision of the Planning Board, he shall present the preliminary plat to the Town Commissioners at its next regularly scheduled meeting which follows the Planning Board's decision by at least 20 days.
   (M)   If the Town Commissioners approve the preliminary plat in the case of an appeal, such approval shall be noted on two copies of the plat. One copy of the plat shall be retained by Town Commissioners and one copy shall be returned to the subdivider. If the Town Commissioners approve the preliminary plat with conditions, approval shall be noted on two copies of the plat along with a reference to the conditions. One copy of the plat along with the conditions shall be retained by Town Commissioners and one copy of the preliminary plat along with the conditions shall be returned to the subdivider. If the Town Commissioners disapprove the preliminary plat, the reasons for such disapproval shall be specified in writing. One copy of the plat and the reasons shall be retained by Town Commissioners and one copy shall be returned to the subdivider.
(Ord. 01-2000, passed 6-27-00)