(A)   Intent: This section is intended to ensure that service stations do not result in adverse impacts on adjacent land uses, especially residential uses. The traffic, glare and uses associated with service stations, particularly those which are open twenty four (24) hours a day, may be incompatible with adjacent land uses. To protect the health, safety and general welfare of the City and its residents, these special regulations shall be imposed on the development and operations of service stations.
   (B)   Applicability: A service station shall comply with the provisions of this section in addition to the property development standards and the permit procedures for the zone district in which it is to be located. The provisions of this section and this title, as applicable, shall apply to all new service stations, to all existing service stations at such a time as those existing stations may come before the project assistance team for an expansion of twenty five percent (25%) or greater in floor area, a remodeling, or any other development that would cost more than fifty percent (50%) of the value of the improvements on the parcel at the time of remodeling, excluding land value.
   (C)   Minimum Development Standards:
      1.   Minimum Street Frontage: Each parcel shall have a minimum street frontage of one hundred feet (100') on at least one abutting street.
      2.   Setbacks: No building or structure, except canopies as provided below, shall be located within thirty feet (30') of any right-of-way line, or within twenty feet (20') of any interior parcel line.
      3.   Canopies: Canopies shall be located no closer than ten feet (10') from any property line.
      4.   Gasoline Pumps: Gasoline pumps shall be located no closer than twenty feet (20') from any property line.
      5.   Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations: All new service station developments and existing service stations that install additional fueling pumps shall adhere to the following:
         (a)   All new service station developments shall install new EV charging stations, and make available for public use, at a rate of one electric charging station for every four (4) fueling stations (i.e., 1 to 4 fuel pumps = 1 EV station, 5 to 8 fuel pumps = 2 EV stations, etc.).
         (b)   Existing service stations that install additional fueling pumps shall install new EV charging stations, and make available for public use, at the same rate as in subsection (C)5(a) of this section.
         (c)   EV charging stations installed at service stations shall be a level 2 240-volt station or DC fast charging 440-volt station. A standard 120-volt outlet may be made available at an EV charging station, but will not satisfy the requirements of this section.
         (d)   EV charging stations may be located in required parking spaces of the service station.
      6.   Walls: Service stations shall be separated from adjacent property which is zoned or used for residential purposes, by a decorative masonry wall of not less than six feet (6') in height, as approved by the project assistance team. Materials, textures, colors and design of all walls shall be compatible with on site development and adjacent properties. No wall higher than forty inches (40") in height shall be constructed within five feet (5') of a driveway entrance or vehicle accessway which opens onto a street or alley. The wall shall be constructed to ensure a clear cross view of pedestrians on the sidewalk, alley or elsewhere by motorists entering or exiting the parcel.
      7.   Paving: The site shall be entirely paved, except for buildings and landscaping.
      8.   Landscaping: The service station site shall be landscaped pursuant to the following standards:
         (a)   A minimum of fifteen percent (15%) of the site shall be landscaped, which may include a planting strip of at least five feet (5') wide along all interior parcel lines, nondriveway street frontages and areas adjacent to buildings. Planters shall be surrounded by masonry or concrete curbs and so arranged to preclude motor vehicles from driving across the sidewalk at locations other than access driveways. Permanent opaque landscaping or berming shall be provided and maintained in the planters at a height of not less than three feet (3') above the average adjacent grade.
         (b)   A minimum of one hundred fifty (150) square foot landscaped area shall be provided at the intersection of two (2) property lines at a street corner.
      9.   Access And Circulation:
         (a)   Driveways shall be located no closer than fifty feet (50') from a street intersection and fifteen feet (15') from a residential property line or alley and shall not interfere with the movement and safety of vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Locations of all driveways shall be subject to the approval of the Public Works Director.
         (b)   All lubrication bays and wash racks shall be located within a fully enclosed building. Access to the service bays and wash racks shall not be located within fifty feet (50') of a residentially zoned property, and shall be oriented, when practical, away from public rights-of-way.
      10.   Air And Water: Each service station shall provide air and water to customers at a convenient location during hours when gasoline is dispensed.
      11.   Restrooms: Each service station shall provide a men's and women's public restroom that is accessible to the general public, including physically disabled persons, during all hours the service station is open to the public. Restrooms shall be identified by placing entrances or signage in a location that is clearly visible from the gasoline service area or cashier station, and shall be maintained on a regular basis.
      12.   Vending Machines: Coin operated vending machines may be permitted within or abutting a structure for the purpose of dispensing items commonly found in service stations, such as refreshments and maps.
      13.   Location Of Activities: All repair and service activities and operations shall be conducted entirely within an enclosed service building, except as follows:
         (a)   The dispensing of petroleum products, water and air from pump islands.
         (b)   Replacement service activities, such as wiper blades, fuses, radiator caps and lamps.
         (c)   The sale of items from vending machines placed next to the main building in a designated area not to exceed thirty two (32) square feet.
         (d)   The display of merchandise offered for customer convenience on each pump island; provided, that the aggregate display area on each island shall not exceed twelve (12) square feet and that the products shall be enclosed in a specially designated case.
         (e)   Motor vehicle products displayed along and within three feet (3') of the front of the building. Such display areas shall be limited to five feet (5') in height and not more than ten feet (10') in length.
      14.   Refuse Storage And Disposal: Trash areas shall be provided and screened on at least three (3) sides from public view by a solid decorative wall not less than five feet (5') in height. Permanent opaque panel gates shall be installed on all openings to the trash area.
         (a)   All trash shall be deposited in the trash area and the gates leading thereto shall be maintained in working order and shall remain closed except when in use.
         (b)   Refuse bins shall be provided and placed in a location convenient for customers.
         (c)   Trash areas shall not be used for storage. The premises shall be kept in a neat and orderly condition at all times and all improvements shall be maintained in a condition of reasonable repair and appearance. No used or discarded automotive parts or equipment, or permanently disabled, junked or wrecked vehicles, may be stored outside the main building.
      15.   Equipment Rental: Rental of equipment, such as trailers and trucks, may be permitted; provided, that:
         (a)   The rental equipment does not occupy or reduce the availability of the required parking for the automobile service station.
         (b)   The rental equipment storage location does not interfere with access and circulation on and around the site.
         (c)   The rental of the equipment is incidental and secondary to the main activity on the site.
      16.   Operation Of Facilities:
         (a)   The service station shall at all times be operated in a manner which is not detrimental to surrounding properties or residents. Site design and activities shall be conducted to avoid and minimize:
            (1) Damage or nuisances from noise, smoke, odor, dust or vibration.
            (2) Hazards from explosion, contamination or fire.
         (b)   Service station hours of operation shall be as conditioned in conditional use permit; a security plan shall be developed by the applicant and approved by the Police Department prior to issuance of a building permit.
   (D)   Abandoned Service Stations:
      1.   Removal Of Facilities: Where service stations become vacant or cease operation for more than one hundred eighty (180) days, the owner shall be required to remove all underground storage tanks (in a manner acceptable to all applicable permitting/regulatory agencies), remove all gasoline pumps and pump islands, and remove all freestanding canopies.
      2.   Evidence Of Operation: To confirm that a use has not been abandoned, the owner shall provide evidence to the Planning Department with written verification prior to the one hundred eightieth day that an allocation of gas has been received and operation of the station will commence within thirty (30) days of the date of written correspondence.
      3.   Resumption Of Operations: Resumption of service station operations after the one hundred eighty (180) days, specified above, may be permitted upon review and approval, or conditional approval by the Planning Commission:
         (a)   Replanting existing landscape areas;
         (b)   Installing new landscape areas;
         (c)   Painting of structures;
         (d)   Upgrading or installing trash enclosures;
         (e)   Striping parking spaces;
         (f)   Installation of signs in conformance with chapter 15 of this title;
         (g)   Resurfacing vehicle access and parking areas; and
         (h)   Installation of missing street improvements.
   (E)   Converted Service Stations: The conversion of service station structures and sites to another use may require upgrading and remodeling, including, but not limited to, removal of all gasoline appurtenances, removal of canopies, removal of pump islands, removal of overhead doors, additional landscaping, missing street improvements to conform to access regulations, and exterior remodeling. (Ord. 824-16, 12-20-2016; amd. Ord. 832-18, 4-17-2018)