(A)   Lot Area Requirements:
      1.   Except when conducted as an accessory to a residential use of a nonfarm parcel, agricultural uses shall require a minimum area of twenty (20) acres, and no farm parcel shall be subdivided from a parent tract unless it shall meet the minimum area requirement for agricultural uses.
      2.   Farm parcels under Williamson Act contract and designated as agricultural on the General Plan shall be a minimum of eighty (80) acres in size.
      3.   Parcels that are conveyed to or from a governmental agency, public entity, community or mutual water company, or public utility for public purposes, shall be exempt from the minimum lot area requirements of this chapter.
      4.   Minimum lot area requirements for uses established as an accessory use to a primary agricultural use in compliance with conditions of approval of a conditional use permit shall be exempt from minimum lot area requirements.
   (B)   Site Development Minimum Standards:
      1.   In addition to the minimum standards established in table 7.B of this section, development within the Agricultural Zone District shall also comply with the special requirements contained in this chapter, chapter 13, "Performance Standards", of this title, other applicable City standards, regulations, ordinances, and the City General Plan.
Minimum site area
20 acres
Minimum site width
400 feet
Minimum site depth
800 feet
Front building setback
50 feet
Side street building setback area, street sides
50 feet
Rear yard setback
50 feet
Maximum floor area ratio
0.10 foot
Maximum building height (may exceed with an approved conditional use permit)
50 feet
Note: Structures such as silos, windmills and communication antennas and towers may exceed height limit, subject to approval by the Planning Commission.
      2.   No new slaughter area, area for the storage or processing of manure, garbage or spent mushroom compost, or structures for the cultivation of mushrooms shall be permitted. The raising of livestock shall not be permitted within two hundred feet (200') of any existing residence located on an adjacent property.
      3.   There shall be a minimum of ten feet (10') between a residential building and a nonresidential structure, except that animals, pens, coops, stables, barns, corrals and other structures for housing animals permitted in the Agricultural District shall be at least one hundred feet (100') away from any residential building.
      4.   There shall be a minimum of twenty feet (20') between an on site residential building and an aviary.
   (C)   Vacant Building Registration: Vacant or abandoned residential and nonresidential buildings are subject to the vacant building registration requirements per section 6-11-40 of this title and title III, chapter 4.3 of this Code.
   (D)   Fences And Walls: Walls for the purpose of visual screening and sound attenuation shall be required between nonresidential uses and any adjacent residential use or residentially zoned property, or where more sensitive adjacent land uses exist. Maximum height shall be six feet (6'), except within the required front yard or street side yard setback area where the maximum height shall be forty inches (40"). Fences and walls shall be in compliance with section 6-11-9 of this title. (Ord. 805-14, 7-1-2014)