(A)   All businesses with licenses issued hereunder and those responsible for the businesses shall ensure that the business and any associated building, structure, premises, or the equipment used to conduct the business is in compliance with all ordinances of the City and all the laws of the State and of the United States of America, including all applicable health, zoning, fire, building and safety, or nuisance prevention laws of the State or of the City.
   (B)   Business premises located within the City shall be subject to field inspection by city representatives upon application for a new business license, renewal of a license, and for a change of location to determine if the location, business and situation are both legal and appropriate. A fee for such field inspections may be set by resolution of the City Council.
   (C)   Each department of the City, which issued permits for work to be done, shall require the production of a valid unexpired business tax certificate prior to the issuance of such a permit.
   (D)   The City may deny, suspend, revoke, or fail to renew any business tax certificate upon the finding of:
      1.   Any violation of this code, any other code adopted by this code, or any state or federal law that occurred on the premises of or in connection with the business establishment;
      2.   Any failure to comply with any regulatory provision contained in the statutes of the state or in the ordinances of the City regulating such business;
      3.   Any failure to operate such business in an orderly and businesslike manner, in obedience to such orders, rules and regulations as may be applicable thereto under the provisions of this code or statutes of this state;
      4.   Any business operations that are conducted in a manner adverse to the public health, welfare and safety or in a manner that is illegal, improper or disorderly which endangers the public welfare;
      5.   Any business operations that expand, change, or otherwise differ from what was approved by the City in the business license; or
      6.   Information that was provided in the process of obtaining a business license was materially false.
      Such decision to deny, suspend, revoke, or fail to renew a business tax certificate must be in writing, with a brief explanation of the reasons for denial based on the grounds in this subdivision, and must be served upon the applicant by first-class mail at the address provided in their application or renewal submissions, as the case may be, or alternatively, by email if the applicant consents to email service and provides their email address.
   (E)   If a business tax certificate is suspended or revoked, no business may be conducted at, by or through the business establishment until the City issues a new business license or the suspension is lifted. A determination by the City to deny, suspend, revoke, or fail to renew a business license may be appealed pursuant to section 4-2-24 of this code.
   (F)   Upon any revocation of a business license, no refund of any license fee shall be made and the fee shall be forfeited to the City. No business shall be conducted or operated in any manner during any period of license revocation or suspension. (Ord. 621-94, 12-20-1994; amd. Ord. 852-23, 7-18-2023)