10-1-2: PURPOSE:
The Subdivision Ordinance of the City is adopted to preserve, protect and promote the public health, safety, convenience, prosperity and general welfare. More specifically this title is adopted in order to achieve the following objectives:
   (A)   To implement the General Plan of the City and its elements thereof, as adopted, and revised from time to time, by the Council.
   (B)   To provide lots of sufficient size and appropriate design for the purposes for which they are to be used.
   (C)   To provide streets of adequate capacity for the anticipated traffic which would utilize them to ensure that they are designed to promote a safe traffic circulation system.
   (D)   To accommodate new development in a manner that will preserve and enhance the City’s living environment through skilled subdivision design.
   (E)   To provide for water supply, sewage disposal, storm drainage and other utilities and facilities which are required by conditions to enhance the City’s urban environment.
   (F)   To ensure that the cost of providing rights-of-way, street improvements, utilities and public areas and facilities needed to serve new developments are borne fairly and equitably by the subdivider rather than by property owners of the City at large.
   (G)   To protect and enhance real property values. (Ord. 839-20, 10-20-2020)