No person who owns or has possession, custody or control of any vehicle or any recreational vehicle or any recreational trailer shall park or leave such vehicle standing upon any street or alley for more than a consecutive period of seventy two (72) hours except as provided in subsection (D) of this section or for a cumulative total of more than ninety six (96) hours in any thirty (30) consecutive day period.
The driving or moving of any vehicle or any recreational vehicle or any recreational trailer from one parking space to another in the same time-restricted street, alley or portion thereof, or other street or alley in the city within two thousand feet (2,000') of the location where the vehicle had been parked shall not be deemed a defense to the time limitations imposed by this code. This section is intended to prevent persons who own or have possession, custody or control of any vehicle or any recreational vehicle or any recreational trailer from periodically moving the vehicle from space to space on the same street or alley, or to a space on a street or alley within a two thousand foot (2,000') radius of where the vehicle or recreational vehicle or recreational trailer had been parked or standing, thus defeating the purpose and intent of the timed parking restrictions in this code, which are to prevent the long-term storage of vehicles on streets and alleys within the city.
   (A)   No vehicle or "recreational vehicle" or "recreational trailer", as defined in this section, shall be parked or left standing upon a city street for seventy two (72) or more consecutive hours except as provided in subsection (D) of this section or for a cumulative total of more than ninety six (96) hours in any thirty (30) consecutive day period. The city police are hereafter authorized to cite any vehicle or recreational vehicle or recreational trailer parked or left standing in violation hereof to carry out the provisions of and the intent of this section.
In the event that a vehicle is not moved within seventy two (72) hours after notice has been given by the police department to move the vehicle, the police department may tow and store the vehicle at the expense of the owner of said vehicle pursuant to section 22651(k) of the California Vehicle Code.
   (B)   "Recreational vehicle" means any vehicle maintained for the use as a conveyance upon the highway, capable of being propelled, carried or towed from one place to another, so designed and constructed as to permit the use thereof as a temporary dwelling or sleeping place for one or more persons, with built-in cooking facilities, having no foundation other than wheels, jacks or temporary supports. "Recreational vehicle" includes pickups with self-contained or slide-on campers, but does not include pickups with mounted camper shells.
   (C)   "Recreational trailer" means any camping trailer and any trailer designed for transporting boats, motorcycles, horses or other livestock, tents and any other recreational equipment.
   (D)   Where a resident within the city has a visitor from an area other than the city, and that visitor arrives with a recreational vehicle or recreational trailer, the visitor may park the recreational vehicle or recreational trailer in the street adjacent to the host residence for not more than seven (7) consecutive days, providing that the parking room is available there, that parking the recreational vehicle or trailer does not constitute a safety hazard, and that the police department has been notified.
   (E)   Should notification not be provided to the police department as set forth in subsection (D) of this section, then the recreational vehicle shall comply with the provisions of subsection (A) of this section. (Ord. 683-01, 3-20-2001)