A person who violates a standard of conduct set forth in a section or chapter of the Sylvania Codified Ordinances listed below is liable for the civil fine specified in Section 163.99 for a civil offense. If the provision is listed below, the otherwise applicable civil fine is reduced by fifty percent (50%) if the person charged shows in accordance with Section 163.04 that the violation has been corrected. If a person has previously been found to have violated the same provision of the Sylvania Codified Ordinances within one year that person may be charged as a second offender and on being found to have committed a second or subsequent offense is liable for the civil fine specified in Section 163.99 for the offense provided below, which fine is not subject to reduction for correction of the violation.
Part 11 Violation of any section of the Zoning Code.
(Ord. 39-2008. Passed 5-5-08.)