1329.01 Definitions.
1329.02 Complaints; inspection of premises.
1329.03 Summary abatement.
1329.04 Nonsummary abatement.
1329.05 Appeal procedure.
1329.06 Hearing procedure.
1329.07 Abatement by City.
1329.08 Emergency abatement.
1329.09 Authority of City.
1329.10 Unlawful interference prohibited.
1329.11 Conflict of law.
1329.99 Penalty.
Removal of unsafe structures - see Ohio R.C. 715.26(B), 715.261
Maintaining a nuisance - see GEN. OFF. 521.06
Maintenance of buildings in unsafe condition - see GEN. OFF. 521.08
As used in this chapter, “public nuisance” means a condition which exists when:
(a) Any building or structure upon any lot of land is so out of repair or dilapidated that it endangers the public health, safety, welfare or property.
(b) Any tree, stack or other object standing upon any lot of land is in such a condition that it endangers the public health, safety, welfare or property.
(c) Any excavation or cellar upon any lot of land is unguarded or in such condition that it endangers the public health, safety, welfare or property.
(d) Any accumulation upon any lot of land of earth, rubbish or other material which attracts or propagates rats, vermin or insects in such manner that it endangers the public health, safety, welfare or property.
(e) Any building or structure upon any lot of land is so out of repair that it constitutes a fire hazard.
(f) There is located upon any lot of land or in any building or structure located thereon rubbish or other material in such an amount that it constitutes a fire hazard.
(g) The conduct of any activity upon any lot of land generates noxious odors, smoke, dust or dirt which endangers the public health, safety, welfare or property.
(h) The conduct of any activity upon any lot of land generates loud, unusual or unnecessary noise, which annoys, disturbs, injures or endangers the public health, safety, welfare or property.
(i) Any material which, by its nature, endangers the public health, safety, welfare or property, is placed, thrown or swept into any street, highway, alley, park or public ground.
(j) Any condition exists which, at common law, was classified as a public nuisance.
(k) Any condition exists which has been declared a public nuisance by the Ohio Revised Code.
(Ord. 87-91. Passed 9-4-91.)
(a) Whenever a complaint is made to the Building Inspector of the existence of a public nuisance as defined in Section 1329.01, he shall promptly inspect or cause an inspection to be made of the premises on which it is alleged that such public nuisance exists. Should the Building Inspector, after such inspection, find that a public nuisance exists, he shall promptly notify the Fire Chief of the City and the Commissioner of Health of Lucas County and request such officials to make an inspection of the premises.
(b) Upon receipt of the notice required by subsection (a) hereof, the Fire Chief and Commissioner of Health shall inspect such premises and make a written report of their findings, which, together with the report of the Building Inspector, shall be filed with the Director of Public Service of the City.
(Ord. 87-91. Passed 9-4-91.)