   (a)    The City shall have a Solicitor, a Department of Public Safety and a Department of Public Service, and the Council shall provide by ordinance for the organization of such Departments.
   (b)    The Council may by ordinance provide for a Department of Law, a Department of Finance and such other Departments, Divisions thereof, officers and employees as it may deem necessary and prescribe the organization, functions and duties thereof.
   (c)    The Council may, subject to the other provisions of this Charter:
       (1)    Except as to the Department of Law and the Solicitor, combine any Departments, Divisions and non-elective offices or positions;
       (2)    Authorize one person to occupy two or more non-elective offices or positions or serve in any capacity in two (2) or more Departments or Divisions;
      (3)    Authorize the Mayor or Clerk-Auditor to be appointed to and serve in one or more non-elective offices or positions in addition to his elective office and be compensated for such service in such additional office, position, offices or positions. If the Mayor is authorized by legislation of Council to serve in any such additional non-elective office or position, no appointment to such office or position shall be required as otherwise provided by this Charter and the Mayor's occupancy of such office or position may be terminated by affirmative vote of a majority of the members of Council;
      (4)    Abolish any Department, Division, board, commission, non-elective office or position unless the same is specifically required by this Charter.
   The Solicitor shall be appointed by the Mayor, subject to confirmation by a majority of the members of Council, to serve until removed as provided in Section 5.0(c) of Article IV of this Charter. He shall be the head of the Department of Law when created.
   The Solicitor shall serve the Mayor, the Council, the Administrative Departments and the officers, boards and commissions of the City as legal counsel in connection with municipal affairs and, subject to the direction of the Mayor, shall represent the City in all proceedings in Court or before any administrative board. He shall perform all other duties now or hereafter imposed upon municipal solicitors under the laws of the State of Ohio unless otherwise provided by ordinance of the Council and he shall perform such other duties consistent with his office as the Mayor or the Council may request. No person shall act as Solicitor unless duly admitted to practice law in the State of Ohio.
   See Section 6.0 of Article V hereof.
   (a)    The Director of Public Service shall be appointed by the Mayor, subject to confirmation by a majority of the members of Council.
   (b)    Under the direction of the Mayor, the Director of Public Service shall have charge of and exercise supervision for the City over:
      (1)    All public works and improvements and the construction, maintenance and repair thereof and all engineering and inspection in connection therewith;
      (2)    The construction, improvement, repair and maintenance of streets, sidewalks, public ways, bridges, wharves, docks, piers, harbors and flood control measures;
      (3)    The construction, improvement, repair and maintenance of water mains, pumps, pipes, purification and filtration plants, and the water supply and distribution system;
      (4)    The construction, improvement, repair and maintenance of sewers, drains, ditches, culverts, streams, water courses, and sewers and sewerage systems;
      (5)    Unless otherwise provided for, the care, repair and maintenance of all public buildings, parks, playgrounds and other public places belonging to the City or in its custody or under its control and the construction of buildings or improvements thereon;
      (6)    The making and preservation of all surveys, maps, plans, drawings and estimates for public works and improvements;
      (7)    The cleaning, resurfacing, sprinkling and lighting of streets and public places;
      (8)    All machinery, equipment and materials of the City pertaining to the functions of the Department of Public Service.
   (c)    Under the direction of the Mayor, the Director of Public Service shall manage and control the collection, treatment and disposal of sewage, the water supply and distribution system, and all public utilities owned or operated by the City, and shall enforce all the obligations of privately owned or operated public utilities enforceable by the City.
   (d)    The Director of Public Service shall perform such other duties consistent with his office as may be required by this Charter, by ordinance of the Council or by the Mayor.
   (a)    The Director of Public Safety shall be appointed by the Mayor, subject to confirmation by a majority of the members of Council.
   (b)    Under the direction of the Mayor, the Director of Public Safety shall have charge of and exercise supervision over:
      (1)    The Division of Police, the Division of Fire, the Division of Building Inspection and any penal or correctional institution or facility;
      (2)    All equipment and materials of the City pertaining to the functions of the Department of Public Safety.
   (c)    Under the direction of the Mayor, the Director of Public Safety shall be responsible for the enforcement of all laws, rules and regulations of the City and of the State of Ohio.
   (d)    The Director of Public Safety shall perform such other duties consistent with his office as may be imposed upon him by this Charter, by ordinance of the Council or by the Mayor.