(a)    The Clerk-Auditor shall be the Fiscal Officer of the City and shall be head of the Department of Finance when created. He shall be the financial advisor of the City and shall at all times keep the Mayor and the Council informed of the financial condition and needs of the City.
   (b)    To the extent required by the Constitution of the State of Ohio the Clerk-Auditor shall comply with the applicable laws of the State of Ohio relating to certification for and expenditures of public moneys. To that end he shall prepare and sign all warrants for the disbursements of moneys of the City and shall examine all pay-rolls, bills and other claims against the City. Unless he shall find that such pay-roll bill or claim is in proper form, correctly computed and duly approved; that the same is due and payable; that a lawful appropriation has been made for the payment thereof; and that the amount required to pay the same is in the Treasury or in the process of collection to the credit of an appropriate fund, free from any previous encumbrances, the Clerk-Auditor shall issue no warrant for the payment thereof.
   (c)    The Clerk-Auditor shall prepare the annual estimate of receipts and expenditures and all appropriation measures and submit the same to the Mayor for transmittal to the Council.
   (d)    On or before the 31st day of March of each year, the Clerk-Auditor shall prepare and submit to the Mayor and Council a report of the financial condition of the City and of receipts and expenditures for the preceding calendar year, which report shall be published in accordance with the provisions of Section 12.0 of Article III of this Charter.
(Amended 11-5-85.)