945.01 Compliance with regulations.
945.02 Hours; rules and regulations.
945.03 Permits required for other than specified hours.
945.04 Parks closed.
945.05 Uses prohibited unless permitted by posted sign.
945.06 Beer and intoxicating liquor prohibited except by special permit.
Removal or destruction of property and natural features.
Unauthorized structures.
945.10 Unlawful camping, storage of personal property or sleeping in public places.
945.99 Penalty.
Power of Council to make improvements on public grounds - see Chtr.
Disorderly conduct and peace disturbance - see GEN. OFF. Ch. 509
Littering - see GEN. OFF. 521.08
Speed regulations in public parks - see TRAF. 333.08
All such parks shall be open to the public for use from sunrise to sunset. Rules and regulations, not inconsistent with this chapter, shall be promulgated from time to time by the Director of Public Safety as to all aspects of the use of such parks, with power to enforce all ordinances, rules and regulations relating to the same and as shall be promulgated by the Director of Public Safety as to all aspects of the use of such parks. The Director of Public Service shall promulgate all rules and regulations relating to all aspects of improvements to such parks such as paving, sidewalks, sewers and water lines, which rules and regulations shall, before they become effective, be approved by the Mayor in writing endorsed on such rules and regulations and also be published by posting the same as provided for the publication of municipal ordinances.
(Ord. 130-2024. Passed 12-2-24.)
All such parks shall be open for use for scheduled events, under such rules and regulations as may have been or may be promulgated, in addition to the hours specified in Section 945.02 by those included within a written permit issued by the Director of Public Safety or, in his absence or unavailability, by the Chief of Police.
(Ord. 17-78. Passed 3-6-78.)