909.01 Definitions.
909.02 Duty to maintain sidewalks.
909.03 Compliance required.
909.04 Bond and license required.
909.05 Bond requirements.
909.06 Issuance of license; fee.
909.07 Suspension or revocation of license.
909.08 Construction permits required; fees.
909.09 Notice to construct or reconstruct; costs.
909.10 Cutting and replacing of curb.
909.11 Location of sidewalk.
909.12 Specifications.
909.13 Plan approval required before permit issuance.
909.14 Inspection; notice to department.
909.15 Gas and water curb boxes, gas drips, manhole covers and sidewalk grating.
909.16 Fire hydrants, barricades, trees and lawns.
909.17 Grades.
909.18 Drainage for walks.
909.19 Grade, level and inclination to be uniform.
909.20 Engineering stakes.
909.21 Weather.
909.22 Materials.
909.23 Supervision.
909.24 Rules.
909.25 Obstructing walks or roadway with trucks or other vehicles.
909.26 Use of openings to subspaces in sidewalks, alleys and streets.
909.27 Permit fees.
909.28 Contract and performance bonds.
909.29 Deposit to accompany bid.
909.30 Basis and method of payments.
909.31 Maintenance.
909.32 Deliveries over sidewalks: permit, liability bond and fees.
909.33 Commercial driveways.
909.99 Penalty.
Power of Council to construct and repair sidewalks - see Chtr.
Sidewalks and gutters - see Ohio R.C. 729.01 et seq.
Excavations - see S.U. & P.S. Ch. 905
As used in Title One of Part Nine of the Codified Ordinances:
(a) "City" means the City of Sylvania, Lucas County, Ohio.
(b) "Council" means the Council of the City of Sylvania.
(c) "Mayor" means the Mayor of the City of Sylvania.
(d) "Director means the Director of Public Service or his authorized representative.
(e) "Inspector" means any inspector of the Department of Public Service.
(f) "Owner" means the owner, owners, leaseholder or agent thereof, holding title to any private property adjoining any street in the City.
(g) "Contractor" means any person, persons or company licensed by the City to construct or reconstruct walks, driveways and other work permitted under this chapter, acting directly or through a duly authorized representative.
(h) "Right of Way" means any public property dedicated for public use as a street, avenue, boulevard, lane, alley or public thoroughfare.
(i) "Walk" means any main or approach sidewalk, between the curb line and private property line.
(j) "Driveway" means any driveway approach or runway between the curb line and private property line.
(k) "Curb opening" means that part of a curb which has been or is out, dropped or replaced.
(l) "Construction" means the construction of new work where no work has previously been done.
(m) "Reconstruction" means the relaying, rebuilding or repair of old work in part or as a whole.
(n) "Person" means any person, persons, partnership or corporation.
(o) "Street" means any public thoroughfare dedicated for public use.
(Ord. 35-69. Passed 8-4-69.)
It shall be the duty of every owner of any lot or parcel of land situated within the corporate limits of the City to keep and maintain good and sufficient sidewalks along all public streets, avenues, boulevards or lanes adjoining thereto.
(Ord. 35-69. Passed 8-4-69.)