§ 152.46 LOT SIZES.
   In general, side lot lines shall run perpendicular to the center line of the street. The minimum dimension for residential lots shall be 60 feet in width and 120 feet in depth with a minimum area of 7,200 square feet. Radial lots to have a minimum width of 60 feet at the building set back line. Corner lots with a width of less than 75 feet shall have extra width at least five feet wider than average of interior lots. Double frontage lots will not be permitted.
(Ord. 328, passed 11-20-84; Am. Ord. 108-95, passed 2-21-95)
§ 152.47 BLOCK LENGTH.
   (A)   Maximum block length for single-family residential development shall be 800 feet, measured along the center of the block, when the lots are the minimum required area of 7,200 square feet. If the lots are larger than 7,200 square feet minimum, the block length shall be reasonable, but shall not exceed 1,600 feet.
   (B)   Maximum block length along a major thoroughfare, railroad, body of water or similar barrier shall be 1,600 feet, except under special conditions and upon approval by the City Council.
(Ord. 328, passed 11-20-84; Am. Ord. 108-95, passed 2-21-95)
§ 152.48 MONUMENTS.
   (A)   (1)   Concrete or approved equal monuments, six inches in diameter and 24 inches long, shall be placed on all boundary corners, block corners, curve points and angle points.
      (2)   A copper pin, or approved equal, one-fourth of an inch in diameter, embedded at least three inches in the monument, should be set at the exact intersection point.
   (B)   The monument shall be set at an elevation that they will not be disturbed during the construction and the top of the monument shall be not less than 12 inches below the natural ground after the contemplated improvements are completed.
(Ord. 328, passed 11-20-84; Am. Ord. 108-95, passed 2-21-95)
§ 152.49 LOT MARKERS.
   Lot markers shall be inch reinforcing bar, 18 inches long, or approved equal, it shall be placed at all lot corners flush with the ground, or countersunk, if necessary, in order to avoid being disturbed.
(Ord. 328, passed 11-20-84; Am. Ord. 108-95, passed 2-21-95)
   The subdivider shall dedicate a minimum street right-of-way of 60 feet. Right-of-way of greater width may be required to comply with the master street plan at the discretion of the City Council.
(Ord. 328, passed 11-20-84; Am. Ord. 108-95, passed 2-21-95)
   (A)   The following standard shall apply to all streets hereafter developed within any subdivision.
      (1)   The right-of-way dedication for any public street must be not less than 60 feet in width.
      (2)   The minimum crown width of any street shall be not less than 60 feet in width.
      (3)   The overall width of the crown and shoulders of the street shall not be less than 36 feet with each shoulder containing equal width.
      (4)   The street rights-of-way shall be graded for their full widths to provide suitable finish grades for the surface, sidewalks, planting strips with adequate drainage, drainage and convenient access to the lots.
      (5)   All streets shall be numbered, named and marked by the subdivides according to city standards.
   (B)   The minimum acceptable surfacing of the streets in a subdivision shall be:
      (1)   A minimum of eight inches compacted sand stabilized shell limestone, or lime stabilized crushed aggregate base meeting State Department of Highways specifications, surfaced with 11-inch HMAC Type D a minimum width of 22 feet, with shoulders sloped inch per foot to the ditches on each side.
      (2)   The subdivider must grade out the necessary open ditches for satisfactory drainage to point or points designated by the city.
      (3)   The subdivider must also furnish and install all necessary reinforced concrete pipe culverts to provide adequate drainage within the subdivision with a 15-inch I.D. minimum size.
   (C)   In the alternative, the City Council may require the subdivider to install:
      (1)   A minimum of six inches reinforced concrete pavement (3,000 P.S.I.) with six-inch integral concrete curbs; or
      (2)   Asphaltic concrete pavement, four inches of coarse graded binder course, and two inches of fine graded surface course, with a six-inch concrete curb and an 18-inch gutter; 29 inches overall.
   (D)   Lime treatment of subgrade will be required where the plasticity index of the subgrade soil is 12 inches or greater. The developer will furnish soil analysis report to establish the plasticity index, reinforced with #3 rod at 24 inches O.C. reinforcing steel.
(Ord. 328, passed 11-20-84; Am. Ord. 108-95, passed 2-21-95)
   Sanitary sewer facilities shall be provided to adequately service the subdivision and conform to the city’s sewer system and shall conform to the following.
   (A)   All sewer pipe shall be vitrified clay sewer pipe, PVC SDR-26 with SDR 35 fittings, or cast iron or other approved pipe as so required by the State Health Department according to their design criteria.
   (B)   A minimum of eight inches sewer pipe is preferred. A six-inch pipe shall be acceptable only where so approved by the City Engineer.
   (C)   Developer shall include necessary manholes, cleanouts, lift stations and service lines to individual lots.
   (D)   All joints shall be sealed with a bituminous compound, rubber ring gaskets or other approved types of joint seals.
   (E)   In general, sewers shall be located in the utility easements or on opposite side of streets from water lines.
(Ord. 328, passed 11-20-84; Am. Ord. 108-95, passed 2-21-95)
§ 152.53 WATER.
   Water systems shall have a sufficient number of outlets and shall be of sufficient size to furnish adequate domestic water supply and fire protection to all lots and to conform to the city’s water system and State Department of Health design criteria.
(Ord. 328, passed 11-20-84; Am. Ord. 108-95, passed 2-21-95)
   The following minimum standards apply to natural gas system extensions within the city:
   (A)   Mains:
      (1)   Minimum diameter: two inches.
      (2)   Depth: three feet of cover below final grade.
      (3)   Material type: polyethylene conforming to the requirements of the ASTM D-2513 (current edition) specification, Thermoplastic Gas Pressure Pipe, Tubing and Fittings. Standard dimension ratio: SDR 17, minimum.
      (4)   Pressure test: mains and services, if connected: 90 P.S.I.G. for one-hour minimum.
      (5)   Trace wire: 12 gauge insulated conductive copper wire securely bonded together at all joints and pipe intersections and accessible at all valve boxes and services.
      (6)   Heat fusion joints: all persons making heat fusion joints must be currently certified to make the joint. A copy of the certificate(s) must be furnished to the city.
   (B)   Valves:
      (1)   Locations: must conform to city’s sectionalizing valve plan.
      (2)   Material: polyethylene valve stub ends must be compatible with the pipe specified above including the standard dimension ratios (SDR).
      (3)   Type: Rockwell pulyvalve ball valves.
   (C)   Fitting material: polyethylene conforming to the requirements of ASTM D-2683 specification Socket-Type Polyethylene Fittings for Outside Diameter Controlled Polyethylene Pipe or ASTM D-3261, Butt Heat Fusion Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Fittings for Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe and Tubing.
(Ord. 328, passed 11-20-84; Am. Ord. 108-95, passed 2-21-95)
   (A)   In general, alleys will not be required, but utility easements for public utilities shall be dedicated.
   (B)   The easements shall be 7 feet on each side of the rear or side lot lines. Easements shall connect with established easements and adjoining property. In the event that the subdivider provides for alleys in the subdivision, the alley shall also be an easement for public utilities. Should the subdivision or re-subdivision have alleys, the minimum width of the alley shall be 20 feet.
   (C)   The City Council may require any alley to be paved for a width of 18 feet utilizing the specifications, except for width applicable to streets.
(Ord. 328, passed 11-20-84; Am. Ord. 108-95, passed 2-21-95)