The Planning Commission may, on its own initiative or upon petition by a citizen or neighboring property owner and prior to acting on a preliminary plat of a subdivision, hold a public hearing thereon at such time and upon such notice as the Commission may designate.
(Ord. 2023-03, passed 2-27-2023)
(A) Prior to the filing of the final plat, the subdivider shall present to the Village Zoning Administrator an application for technical design and construction plan approval for all utilities and street improvements. All documents required by § 151.316 must be submitted. The technical design and construction plans may be submitted simultaneously with the preliminary plat or they may be submitted subsequent to the approval of the preliminary plat.
(B) The Zoning Administrator shall forward copies of the technical design and construction plans to such officials and agencies as may be necessary for the purpose of study and recommendation. These shall include the Village Engineer, the appropriate County Engineer or Sanitary Engineer or the appropriate Board of Health.
(C) The technical design and construction plans shall be in conformance with the previously approved preliminary plat and shall address all conditions of preliminary plat approval.
(D) When a phasing plan has been approved as part of the preliminary plat, technical design and construction plans for a subdivision may be submitted for final plat approval in consecutive phases in accordance with the approved phasing plan.
(E) Business and Industrial Requirements: The subdivider in a nonresidential district shall present engineering drawings of structures, improvements and detail the type of operation proposed on the premises. The subdivider shall assure compliance with all business and industrial zoning regulations. The subdivider shall indicate proposed service facilities, retention systems, alleys and how screening, buffers and open space requirements are used and positioned to assure harmonious conformance with other neighboring development.
(F) After receipt of written reports from such officials and agencies, the Commission shall determine whether the technical design and construction plans shall be approved, approved with modification or disapproved. If disapproved, the reasons for disapproval shall be stated in writing. The Commission shall act on the technical design and construction plans within 45 days unless such time is extended by agreement with the subdivider.
(G) No improvements or utilities shall be installed prior to approval of the technical design and construction plans.
(Ord. 2023-03, passed 2-27-2023)
(A) An applicant requesting approval of a final plat shall submit to the Zoning Administrator an application for final plat approval, accompanied by the requisite number of copies of the final plat and other required documentation, prepared in conformance with the requirements of § 151.317. The final plat shall have incorporated all changes or modifications to the preliminary plat required by the Planning Commission, otherwise it shall conform to the preliminary plat. The final plat may constitute only that portion of the approved preliminary plat which the subdivider proposes to record and develop at the time, provided that such portion conforms with all requirements of these regulations.
(B) The final plat application shall be accompanied by a statement from the Director of Public Works that the village is in receipt of as-built plans showing all streets and utilities in exact location and elevation and identifying those portions already installed and those to be installed. If a performance guarantee is required by § 151.617, certification of compliance with those requirements shall also be submitted.
(C) The final plat shall be considered officially filed on the date that the completed application, together with all required copies and additional information, is received by the Zoning Administrator, and shall be so dated.
(D) The final plat application shall be filed at least two weeks prior to the regular Planning Commission meeting at which action is sought.
(Ord. 2023-03, passed 2-27-2023)