For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   GOLF CART. A vehicle designed and manufactured for operation on a golf course for sporting or recreational purposes and that is not capable of exceeding speeds of 20 miles per hour. GOLF CARTS do not include “low speed vehicles”, as defined by state law, which are subject to the registration, inspection, and other laws of the state relating to motor vehicles. GOLF CARTS also do not include utility vehicles or motorized all-terrain vehicles, which are not eligible for use on public roads or for registration as motor vehicles under state law, or vehicles originally designed as golf carts which have been modified to operate at speeds greater than 20 miles per hour.
Statutory reference:
   see G.S. § 20-4.01(12a)
   PUBLIC STREETS, ROADS, AND HIGHWAYS. Public streets, roads, and highways” include the following roadways and rights-of-way:
      (1)   Municipal streets maintained by the town;
      (2)    Streets generally open to public use; and
      (3)   Public vehicular areas, the last as defined by G.S. § 20-219.4.
(Ord. 2010-031, passed 9-21-10)