Design standards promote creativity and innovation while discouraging obtrusive, incongruous structures. The town discourages architectural styles that do not enhance or add visual character to the Town. The town supports the view that inspiring, well maintained, and harmonious is in the best economic interests of all residents and businesses.
   (A)   Emphasize human scale.  design shall emphasize a human scale at ground level, at entryways, and along frontages through the creative use of windows, doors, columns, canopies, and awnings.
   (B)   Major design features proportional. Major design features, such as windows, doors, eaves, and , shall be designed to be in proportion to one another.
   (C)   Structural lines retained at storefront level. The structural lines of a and its materials shall be retained at the storefront level. For instance, brick piers and columns shall be carried down to level.
   (D)   Awnings and canopies. Awnings and canopies shall complement the color and material of the to which they are affixed.
   (E)   Massing. A single, large, dominant mass shall be avoided. Where large structures are required, mass should be broken up through the use of , projecting and recessed elements, and similar design techniques. Changes in mass shall be related to entrances, the integral , and/or the organization of interior spaces and activities and not merely for cosmetic effect.
(Ord. 2005-O3, passed 3-15-2005)