3-4-1: Purpose And Intent
3-4-2: Conditions For Allowing In Residential Zoning District
3-4-3: Permitted Home Occupations And Conditions
3-4-4: Parking Requirements And Conditions
3-4-5: Permit Approval
3-4-6: Permit Revocation
3-4-7: Revocation Of Registration By City Council
3-4-8: Penalty
The use of a home occupation permit is to allow home occupations which are compatible with the neighborhood in which they are located. The specific intent of a home occupation permit is to:
   A.   Protect residential areas from any negative impacts associated with home occupations.
   B.   Allow residents a broad choice in the use of their homes as a place for income and livelihood.
   C.   Establish criteria and standards for conducting home occupations within residential zoning districts. (Ord. 1997-05, 12-8-1997)
A home occupation is permitted in a residential zoning district subject to the following conditions:
   A.   Occupant Residing On Premises: No person other than an occupant residing on the premises shall be engaged in a home occupation.
   B.   Incidental And Subordinate: The home occupation use of a dwelling shall be clearly incidental and subordinate to its residential use and not more than twenty five percent (25%) of the dwelling's gross floor area, not to exceed five hundred (500) square feet, shall be used in conducting the home occupation.
   C.   Storage Enclosed: Storage in connection with any home occupation shall be totally enclosed within the dwelling and limited to items which are necessary to conduct the home occupation or have been ordered by a customer, but have not been delivered to the customer.
   D.   Retail Sales: There shall be no direct sale of products off display shelves or racks. Retail sales shall only be conducted if product orders are placed earlier by telephone or at sales party. Sales to customers shall be arranged by appointment and scheduled so that not more than one customer vehicle is at the dwelling. This requirement shall include the sale of firearms.
   E.   Outside Appearance: There shall be no change in the outside appearance of the building or premises, or other visible evidence of the conduct of a home occupation, and there shall be no open storage of business related equipment or supplies. Company owned vehicles which are three-fourths (3/4) ton truck or smaller which are also used for personal transportation purposes shall be exempt from this condition.
   F.   Signs: Signs shall not be permitted to advertise a business or its products, except a name plate one square foot in size, nonilluminate, mounted flush against the home.
   G.   Performance Standards; Hours: No equipment or process shall be used in a home occupation which creates noise, vibration, glare, fumes, odor or electrical interference detectable in adjacent areas, and no equipment or process shall be used which creates visual or audible interference for any radio or television receivers on and near the premises, which exceeds that normally found in a residential area. Hours of operation of such equipment shall be limited to those hours between seven o'clock (7:00) A.M. and nine o'clock (9:00) P.M.
   H.   Toxic Or Flammable Materials: There shall be no toxic (pesticides, herbicides, rodenticides), explosive, highly flammable, combustible, corrosive, etiologic, radioactive or other restricted materials used or stored on the premises of a home occupation beyond the amount kept at a normal residential dwelling or on hand to operate or maintain equipment, and permitted by the National Fire Protection Association as adopted by the State of New Mexico.
   I.   Utility Usage: No home occupation shall cause an increase in the use of any one or more public utility (water, sewer, electricity or garbage collection). The combined utility usage of the dwelling and home occupation shall not exceed the average residential usage.
   J.   Business Registration Required: All home occupations shall be required to obtain a business registration from the City Clerk-Treasurer's office. (Ord. 1997-05, 12-8-1997)