10.02   Recall
   (A)   The electors of the Municipality shall have the power to remove from office by a recall election any elected official of the Municipality in the manner provided in this Section.
   (B)   As to any elected official who has served at least six months of a term of office, an elector or electors of the Municipality may serve written notice upon the Clerk of Council of their intent to circulate petitions for the recall of the elected official. Petitions for the recall of the elected official may not be circulated until the written notice of intent is served upon the Clerk of Council.
   (C)   The petition shall contain a statement of not more than 100 words setting forth specific grounds upon which the removal of the elected official is sought. The petition may be circulated in separate parts, but the separate parts shall be bound together and filed as one instrument. Each part shall contain the name of the elected official whose removal is sought. Separate petitions are necessary for each elected official whose removal is sought. The petition shall be signed by at least that number of electors equal to twenty-five percent (25%) of the electors voting at the last preceding November general municipal election.
   (D)   No later than 30 days after service of the notice of intent on the Clerk of Council, the petition demanding the removal of an elected official shall be filed with the Clerk of Council. The Clerk of Council shall note upon each petition the name and address of the person filing the petition and the date of such filing, deliver to such person a receipt for the filing of the petition, and attach a copy of the receipt to the petition. Within 20 days after the day on which the petition is filed, the Clerk of Council shall determine, subject to assistance received from the Board of Elections of Delaware County, Ohio to verify that petition signatories are registered to vote and live within the Municipality, whether or not such petition meets the requirements of this Section. If the Clerk of Council finds the petition insufficient, the Clerk of Council shall promptly certify the particulars in which the petition is insufficient, deliver a copy of the certificate to the person who filed the petition, and make a record of delivery. The person who filed the petition shall be allowed a period of 10 days after the day on which delivery of the certificate of insufficiency was made in which to make the petition sufficient and refile the petition with the Clerk of Council. The Clerk of Council shall have five business days from the date of refiling to obtain assistance from the Board of Elections of Delaware County, Ohio to determine the sufficiency of the amended petition. If the Clerk of Council finds the amended petition sufficient, the Clerk shall promptly certify the petition to the Council and shall deliver, within five business days from the date of such certification to the Council, a copy of the certificate to the person whose removal is sought and make a record of the delivery. If the Clerk of Councils finds that the amended petition is still insufficient, the Clerk of Council shall reject the petition and promptly certify the particulars in which the petition is insufficient, deliver a copy of the certificate to the person who filed the petition, make a record of delivery, and take no further action thereon.
   (E)   Unless the elected official whose removal is sought resigns within five business days after receiving delivery of the Clerk of Council 's certificate pursuant to Section 10.02(D), the Council shall, by ordinance or resolution, fix a day for holding a recall election occurring not less than 90 days nor more than 120 days after the date of the Clerk of Council's certification of sufficiency to the Council, and shall cause notice of the recall election to be published (i) on the Municipality's website, (ii) on the same day of each week for two consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in the Municipality if such a newspaper exists, and (iii) by such other procedures as the Council may use to provide notice of legislation pursuant to Section 4.15. At the recall election, this question shall be placed upon the ballot: "Shall (name of elected official whose removal is sought) be allowed to continue as (elected official's with provisions on the ballot for voting affirmatively or negatively. If a majority of the vote is negative, the elected official shall be immediately removed, the office shall be vacant, and the vacancy shall be filled as provided in this Charter. If the elected official is not removed at such recall election, no further recall petitions shall be filed against the elected official for a period of one year following the recall election.