(A)   The Zoning Administrator has been appointed as the Township Emergency Management Liaison, responsible for working with the County Emergency Management Coordinator or Program Manager on all matters pertaining to emergency management within Summit Township.
   (B)   Assure that Township emergency response agencies, elected officials and the county Emergency Management Coordinator or Program Manager are notified of the situation.
   (C)   Township agencies assess the nature and scope of the emergency or disaster.
   (D)   If the situation can be handled locally, do so, using the procedures in this plan.
      (1)   The Emergency Management Liaison advises the Township Supervisor and coordinates all emergency response actions.
      (2)   The Township Supervisor or designee declares a local state of emergency and notifies the county Emergency Management Coordinator or Program Manager of this action.
      (3)   The Township Supervisor or designee forwards the local state of emergency declaration to the county Emergency Management Coordinator or Program Manager Office.
      (4)   The Emergency Management Liaison activates the Township Emergency Operations Center. This facility is located at the Summit Township Complex, 2121 Ferguson Road or as an alternate site Fire Station #2 located at 2507 Spring Arbor Rd.
      (5)   Township emergency response departments/agencies respond according to procedures found in Attachment A - Emergency Response Sequence Chart, on file in the office of the Township Clerk.
      (6)   The Township Supervisor or designee directs departments/agencies to respond to the situation.
      (7)   The Township Supervisor or designee issues directives as to travel restrictions on local roads and recommends protective actions if necessary.
      (8)   The Township Supervisor or designee notifies the public of the situation and appropriate actions to take.
      (9)   The Emergency Management Liaison keeps county Emergency Management Coordinator or Program Manager informed of the situation and actions taken.
   (E)   If Township resources become exhausted or if special resources are required, request county assistance through the county Emergency Management Coordinator or Program Manager as provided in § 34.04.
   (F)   If assistance is requested, the county Emergency Management Coordinator or Program Manager assesses the situation and makes recommendations.
   (G)   The county will do the following:
      (1)   Activate the County Emergency Operations Center;
      (2)   Activate the County Emergency Operations Plan;
      (3)   Respond with county resources as requested;
      (4)   Activate mutual aid agreements;
      (5)   Coordinate county resources with Township resources;
      (6)   Notify Michigan State Police District Emergency Management Coordinator;
      (7)   Forward Flash Report and Damage and Injury Assessment Report to Michigan State Police, Emergency Management Division; and
      (8)   Assist Township with prioritizing and allocating resources.
   (H)   If county resources are exhausted, the county makes a request to the Governor to declare a state of emergency or state of disaster in accordance with procedures set forth in Act 390, as amended. The county shall not request state assistance or a declaration of a state of disaster or a state of emergency unless requested to do so by the Township Supervisor if the situation occurs solely within the confines of the township.
   (I)   If state assistance is requested, the State Police District Emergency Management Coordinator or Program Manager, in conjunction with the county Emergency Management Coordinator or Program Manager and Township Emergency Management Liaison, assesses the disaster or emergency situation and recommends the personnel, services, and equipment that are required for its prevention, mitigation, or relief.
   (J)   After completing the assessment the District State Police Emergency Management Coordinator immediately notifies the State Director of Emergency Management of the situation.
   (K)   The State Director of Emergency Management notifies the Governor and makes recommendations.
   (L)   If state assistance is granted, procedures will be followed as stated in the Michigan Emergency Management Plan and the County Emergency Operations Plan.
(Res. 1001, passed 11-9-2004)