§ 131.03 OFFENSES.
   (A)   Possession of drug paraphernalia. It is unlawful for any person to use, or to possess with intent to use, drug paraphernalia to plant, propagate, cultivate, grow, harvest, manufacture, compound, convert, produce, process, prepare, test, analyze, pack, repack, store, contain, conceal, inject, ingest, inhale or otherwise introduce into the human body a controlled substance in violation of this chapter.
   (B)   Manufacture, sale, or delivery of drug paraphernalia. It is unlawful for any person to sell, deliver, possess with intent to deliver or sell, or manufacture with intent to deliver or sell, drug paraphernalia, knowing, or under circumstances where one reasonably should know, that it will be used to plant, propagate, cultivate, grow, harvest, manufacture, compound, convert, produce, process, prepare, test, analyze, pack, repack, store, contain, conceal, inject, ingest, inhale, or otherwise introduce into the human body a controlled substance in violation of this chapter.
   (C)   Advertisement of drug paraphernalia. It is unlawful for any person to place in any newspaper, magazine, handbill, or other publication any advertisement, knowing or under circumstances where one reasonably should know, that the purpose of the advertisement, in whole or in part, is to promote the sale of any objects designed or intended for use as drug paraphernalia.
   (D)   Possession of illegal and/or controlled substances. It is unlawful for any person to possess any illegal and/or controlled substance without having a state and/or federal license or a valid prescription authorizing such person to possess the same. This section shall not affect the rights or privileges granted to any person under the Michigan Medical Marijuana Act or the Michigan Regulation and Taxation of Medical Marijuana Act.
(Ord. 29.02, passed 7-9-1996; Am. Ord. passed 12-11-2018) Penalty, see § 131.99