(1) The Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas, County Engineer, Prosecuting Attorney and the Sheriff of the County shall be elected and their duties shall continue to be determined in the manner provided by general law, except where County Council changes those duties by ordinance or resolution. County Council may set the salaries of all County elected office holders with the minimum as set by general law. Vacancies shall be filled as provided by Article V, Section 5.02 of this Charter. (Amended 11-3-81; 11-5-19)
(2) County Fiscal Officer.
(a) Consolidation of Office of County Auditor with Office of County Treasurer; Transfer of Powers and Duties. Effective upon a vacancy or as of March 10, 2003, whichever is earlier, the elective office of County Auditor is hereby consolidated with the Office of County Treasurer, and no election for County Auditor shall be held at the 2002 general election in the County. Effective upon the consolidation of the Office of County Auditor with the Office of County Treasurer, the County Auditor’s powers and duties, including the powers and duties of the previously consolidated Office of County Recorder, shall be transferred to the County Treasurer, which shall be renamed County Fiscal Officer.
(b) Powers and Duties. The County Fiscal Officer shall exercise all powers now or hereafter vested in and perform all duties now or hereafter imposed upon county auditors, county recorders and county treasurers by general law, except where County Council changes those duties by ordinance or resolution.
(c) Election. The County Fiscal Officer shall be elected beginning at the general election held in the County in 2004 and shall hold office for a term of four years commencing on the first day of January next following such election. Any candidate for election as County Fiscal Officer shall be an elector of the County at the time of the declaration of candidacy, shall be nominated and elected in the manner provided by general law for county officers and during the entire term of office shall remain an elector of the County and shall not, except as authorized by County Council, hold or accept other employment or public office.
(d) Vacancy. In the event the Office of County Fiscal Officer becomes vacant by reason of death, resignation, removal from office, failure to remain an elector of the County, or for any reason whatsoever, the position shall be filled as provided by Article V, Section 5.02 of this Charter.
(e) Salary. The salary of the County Fiscal Officer shall be determined by County Council by ordinance or resolution and shall be set at a level commensurate with the duties of the office.
(f) Boards, Commissions and Committees. Upon the effective date of this amendment, the County Fiscal Officer, or his designee, shall serve in the place of the County Auditor on every board, commission, committee, or any other body upon which the County Auditor is required to serve by general law. Upon the effective date of this amendment, the County Executive shall serve in the place of the County Treasurer on the County Budget Commission. Council shall provide by ordinance or resolution for the replacement of the Treasurer on every other board, commission, committee, or any other body upon which the County Treasurer is required to serve by general law.
(3) Eligibility for Candidacy for the Office of County Fiscal Officer. Any person shall be eligible as a candidate and/or appointee for the office of Summit County Fiscal Officer if the person is an elector of Summit County and possesses the same qualifications set forth under the General Laws of the State of Ohio for the county offices of Auditor, Recorder, and Treasurer. All other Charter provisions and Charter amendments that are inconsistent with the foregoing requirements for the office of County Fiscal Officer are repealed in their entirety.
(Amended 11-6-01; 11-4-03; 11-5-19)